Legacy Over Likes

Alex Lewis
Personal Branding
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2017

For the last week and a half, I’ve been in Uganda learning and loving alongside Beauty for Ashes Uganda, an awesome organization that focuses on long-term sustainable development for single moms and widows in various villages across the country’s Teso sub-region.

On my return flight from Amsterdam to Atlanta, I watched the HBO documentary, Becoming Warren Buffett. It chronicled Buffett’s upbringing and personal philosophy, which prompted me to ask, “What do I want to be known for?”

My list consisted of things like:

  • Pursuing love
  • Sharing words that matter
  • Making a big difference in people’s lives through small acts of love

These are things you’ve probably heard me say or seen me post about online before.

With this realization, I recognized that I’m creating a legacy file online, in which my future kids, grandkids, and others will be able to look and see I didn’t just talk the talk; I walked the walk, and it made a positive difference in people’s lives.

I’m doing this through my Facebook posts, Instagram photos, Medium stories, and much more. That’s the power of social media.

While I was in Uganda, I created mini vlogs documenting each day — not because I thought the videography was life changing, but because I wanted a series of videos that I could look back at, as well as something that would give people a glimpse into what I was experiencing while there.

Rather than focusing on the short game, I view my social media content with the long game in mind and see the words, photos, and videos on my social profiles as archived posts that people will be able to look back at know that I meant what I said because I did what I said — and I’ve been doing it for weeks, months, and even years.

Because your life is out there online, all it takes is a quick Google search for people to see the good you’ve done and impact you’ve made. Social media is more than just the here and now. It’s more than likes and instant gratification. It’s a history book with the power to inspire people for years.

Legacy over likes. That’s what it’s all about.

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this post, hit that heart button below ❤ It would mean a lot to me, and it helps other people see the story.

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Alex Lewis
Personal Branding

Essayist based in Columbus, Ohio. I write about things I love & the people and moments that have shaped me.