No One Cares About Your Products or Services

Monique Colón
Personal Branding
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2016

Customers do not care about your product or service. Yes, this is true. Remember, customers can ignore us at will, so you need to know what is the interesting information that will cut through that rejection and grab their attention. Gone are the days of advertisement through television, radio, print and ad displays as the platform arena. In fact, Millennials no longer watch traditional television which has cable companies scrambling for on the go apps such as SlingTV by Dish and DirectTV’s on the go app; just to keep up with Netflix and Hulu audiences. Intrusion marketing is no longer efficient and is costly.

Building an Audience Over Time. Not in Overtime!

Build a relative and organic audience — THEN monetize

90% of entrepreneurs are doing some content marketing but only obtaining a 30% of success. Why are we not seeing success? Content marketing is a marathon, not a sprint! We are still talking about our products and services and everyone is developing content but no audiences — so customers don’t know the value of the company and there is no direction as to the satisfaction of the services offered. You want to make sure your audiences are organic and not generated from an Instagram or Twitter ‘get followers’ app. These apps do not create an organic and engaging audience and may sabotage your branding strategy to obtain your targeted audience. Below are eight guidelines to follow to find an audience and keep them!

1. Build a relative and organic audience — THEN monetize

2. Publish a newsletter on a regular basis

3. Set the parameters — set the goals and show how it’s done

4. Listen to the market outside and inside — be responsibly responsive to clients and potential clients.

5. Learn, Guide, share, listen, collect, research, get performance data, and refresh

6. Retire old content and update.

7. Create content based on your positive experiences.

8. Communicate what is your organization’s passion

These guidelines will support finding that niche and sweet spot. Remember to not only tell a different story than anyone else but also start with one simple content editorial mission statement. Social media platforms are no longer an arena to find customers at the magnitude it once did. In fact, you are much more likely to find other businesses who are interested in collaborating with you on projects and other business ventures. B2B audiences are a new brand of customer and can offer strong prospects and support your resume as an entrepreneur.



Monique Colón
Personal Branding

Digital, Visual, and Personal Brand Consultant. Inspiring others to be a 'Brand New You' through Interactive Clinics, Blogs, and Speaking. IG: obi_empower