Why I love Digital Marketing (and you should too)

Giacomo Bettazzi
Personal Branding
Published in
3 min readNov 15, 2017


We are living in a world that we were told would have given people more connectivity, freedom and tools.

A world that should have opened new opportunities and that should have given a voice to the voiceless.

Every day 500 million tweets are shared on Twitter, 300 hours of video are uploaded on youtube, and 95 million posts are shared on Instagram.

It sounds great, doesn’t it? Isn’t exciting that so many people have access to these new digital tools?

To my mind, yes it’s wonderful, but too often I hear people saying that it’s becoming almost impossible to stand out and to make people pay attention to what they say and share.

The digital world we live in is becoming overcrowded.

Don’t get me wrong, I love being part of a 3.2B online community, because it opens countless opportunities, but sometimes I feel overwhelmed.

The question is how can we catch and keep the attention of our customers just enough to let them know what we have to offer and share with them?

How do we know what’s the best message for our audience and what our customers want and where do they hang out online?

The answer to this questions is Knowledge and Strategy!

Forget those people who say that it’s all about contents, or that it’s all about Data, or it’s about mastering Social media platforms.

The reality is that you have to look at things from a different perspective, from the perspective of someone who sees the bigger picture.

To create something effective and meaningful for your customers you need Knowledge, which is essentially how digital things work, and Strategy, how to effectively use them to create value for your business and your customers.

Everyone knows how to share a post on facebook and how to upload a video on youtube, but very few know how to choose the topic that most interests your audience, and how to optimise the result by using all the available analytical tools that those platforms (and others) give us.

Regardless of whether you own or work for a startup, a mid-size company, an NGO or you are just an individual who wants to monetize his expertise by sharing it with the right public, you need to understand how to get the most of the digital world.

There are different resources you can use to learn how to use different social media platforms, emails, content creations etc.

However, if taken individually, they won’t give what you are looking for.

In this blog, I am going to weekly share with you all the knowledge and tools I’ve leaned to make your self a successful Digital Marketer, to let you at least have, the resources you need to succeed in this increasingly complex digital world.

It will be your choice then, to apply or not what what you learn.

Marketing is all around us and the opportunities are vast!

| Thoughts |

Digital marketing can be learned by anyone, and this is the part that I like the most, because I believe in the power of learning to transform lives.

| Thank you!! |

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Thanks for reading.

Giacomo Bettazzi |Personal Branding |Blogger | Marketing Consultant |



Giacomo Bettazzi
Personal Branding

| Forbes Under 30 Scholar | Personal Branding enthusiast | Online Marketing Professional | Blogger |