You Inc. Why Your Personal Brand Matters

Filmon Selassie
Personal Branding
Published in
7 min readJun 9, 2016
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Personal branding. What does it mean? Why should you care? How can your personal brand be improved, and how can having a strong personal brand improve your professional and personal growth?

If you’re looking to improve your career outlook, your personal growth and ultimately your income, having a strong personal brand is a critical element to ensuring your success.

Note: This article is not for everyone. For example, if you’re a entrepreneur and run your own business(es) the same rules do not apply. However, if you’re changing employers soon, or thinking about it, or if you’re interested in building your online presence, you’ll find what you’re looking for.

What Is A “Brand”?

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By definition, a brand is anything that separates one thing from another. This can include, but not limited to, a symbol, design, name, sound, reputation, emotion, employees, tone, and much more.

Here’s a personal story of mine, to help with understanding the concept of branding.

I have a younger brother (10 years my junior) and when he was a toddler he was a talkative kid. I remember driving with my mom and brother, while getting groceries or visiting family/friends, and we’d regularly have to pass by a McDonald’s. As soon as he could see those golden arches, he’d yell “M’Donahs”, and when he realized we weren’t going there…he’d sob.

Remembering it now makes me laugh, but back then I dreaded the approach and departure because it meant I’d have to distract him.


When someone as young as a toddler sees those golden arches, and instantly knows what it means. Burgers, fries, toys, and The Playplace. That is branding.

In this article, and the ones to follow, you’ll find out how to

  • use and manage your social media accounts;
  • how to develop a voice consistent across different mediums;
  • how making improvements in these areas will improve your business and, ultimately, your income;
  • and much more.


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Personal Brand — Why Should You Care?

When you shop for a new pair of shoes, what brand(s) do you usually gravitate to? When you shop for a new car, which company grabs your interest. When you go online, which sites do you visit?

All of these questions lead to one or two answers. The reason: you’ve made up your mind a long time ago about what you like, and which company caters to that. You’ve tried other products, you’ve seen what they have to offer, but your loyalty remains.

Your personal brand is very similar. Building a powerful personal brand is important because it will lead to loyalty from clients, will help increase your social network, helps to increase your perceived value and much more.

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Learn How to Frame Your Personal Brand

In an age of transparency and openness, it is evident that your personal brand means everything. And, much like corporate brands you are perceived similarly, whether you like it or not.

You should not shy away from this reality. You are unique. You have a special set of traits. People who know you have a certain image of you. Instead you should learn to embrace, and then manage how you are perceived. In this day and age, we should all have a little sense of how to be our own publicist and public relations agents.

It’s important to learn to control the messaging about you; that your messaging be consistent, and that it accurately reflect your identity.

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Audit Your Online Presence — Social Media

You’re a teacher by day; a beer chugger by night. You’re a Real Estate agent by day, a club addict by night. You’re a news anchor by day….I think you get the idea. What your social media says about you is important. It is a window for those who don’t know you. Control it!

Whether you like it or not, your presence on social media, or lack there of, tells others a lot about you. Are you outgoing? How serious are you? Do you focus on partying or business. Friends or family?

That said, no social media presence is also not a good thing. It says, you must have got something to hide, or that you’re not ‘savvy’ enough. For those looking for employment, you need to pay attention to your presence. If you’re unsure of the general social media etiquette, here are a few pointers to save you:

  • if you’re grandma would hang her head in shame, don’t share it
  • THINK before you share. Remember: everything is permanent and can resurface
  • you can have private accounts, just have a photo that looks like you…TODAY (not one from you Grade 3 photo day), a prospecting employer will look you up.
  • stay away from bashing individuals, groups of people, companies, etc. unless there is a social justice cause behind it. Try not to swear.

Get A Personal Website/Blog

Many people miss this opportunity. If you can secure your own site, and keep it up to date, you will be light years ahead of your competition. Be sure to talk about things that interest you. If it relates to your current field of work, great. If not, that’s okay too. Just be sure to have great content, edit your work, and share it when possible.

Not sure how to set up a website? Don’t worry here’s an easy guide to follow:

More on How to Develop and Focus Your Personal Brand

If you’ve read to this point, congratulations, because we’re about to get very detailed about the steps you need to take to develop and focus your personal brand.

Let’s re-examine why you’re reading this:

  • you want to build your relationships and develop a long list of clients to increase your businesses sales
  • you want to impress a potential employer and/or recruiter to get that dream job
  • you want to increase your professional network and professional opportunities
  • you want to begin the process of what is to come, even if you’re unsure of what that “thing” is

These are all completely great reasons; and if its not listed but you have your reasons, they’re just as valid. What’s important is that you know and understand the importance of your image and how you’re perceived.

Now its time to bring it to life and learn to manage it.

Your Vision

The first step is to collect your thoughts and answer some fundamental questions:

  • How do you want others to perceive you?
  • How do you perceive yourself? Is this in line with how others see you?
  • How do you want to be perceived in your professional life? In your personal life? Do these two areas intersect, or are they independent?

Its important that you lay out your defining mantra, and ensure that you are genuine to who you really are.

Know Your Values and Prioritize Them

Look inward, and define the elements in your life that are important to you, that motivate you, that interest you, that keep you grounded, and so on.

You could have a list of 2 or 20. There is no correct amount, after all, they’re your values.

They could be your family, your friendships, your partnerships, your children, you career, maybe and attribute or skill or even a dedication (life long learning). List them in order of highest to lesser importance. Don’t get stuck in the weeds, and start listing your Batman Comics or that antique tea set. Unless they’re genuinely paramount that they motivate and inspire you…then list them.

The point of this exercise? To find what motivates you, what inspires you, and what keeps you HAPPY. Don’t forget, that your life needs joy and happiness. Sacrifices are okay. But, your life should not be one.

Know Your Passions

Your passions are those things you like doing, and if you could you’d do them all day, everyday even if you’re not being paid for it — sometimes it even costs YOU money to do. They could have something to do with your values, however they’re usually separate.

The point here is to identify what gives you as sense of purpose and happiness.

At this point, you may realize that your personal passion intersects with your profession or could lead into the professional realm. For example, you may work in tech and love review tech products in your free time. The personal meets the professional.

Know Your Personal Traits

What makes you, you? Are you open to new ideas? Are you curious? Outspoken? Great Communicator or Teacher? These are all traits that we may identify with ourselves.

You should identify your personal traits and get the input of others.

At this point, you may realize that your personal traits conflict with the personal brand you’d like to develop. That’s ok. But, you will need to explore how your personal trait now, will need to be molded and re-shaped to accommodate for this. For example, if you’ve realized that you’re shy and quiet, but that your personal brand requires an outspoken and personable personality, you will need to adjust for this. Just know that it is important you are consciously aware of your traits, and how you’ll develop them

Most important of all, be genuine to who you are.

That’s enough homework for one day. In the next article, I will go into further detail about getting to where you want to be, being as memorable as possible, developing consistent messaging across your media platforms, and more.

Originally published at on June 9, 2016.

