Your Elevator Pitch Does Not Have to Have Ups and Downs

Monique Colón
Personal Branding
Published in
3 min readDec 9, 2016


The concept of ‘Elevator Pitch’ is meant to represent the amount of time you’d have if you were in an elevator with someone riding from the bottom of the building to the top. The work frame to an Elevator Pitch gives us the delivery approach we need to keep your audience interested, wowed, and burning for more. ‘Yes! I’d love to sit down and talk to you’.

When we get back to basics we realize there are only three actual rules to consider:

1. It should be 30 seconds or less.

2. Your skill (or how you benefit a potential employer) should be clear.

3. There should be a goal.

But the pitch can be used for so much more than your 30-second intro.

LINKEDIN — Type up your pitch to your LinkedIn Summary. Recruiters and Clients look in this area for a precise definition of what it is you did, do and will do in the future. It is the Profile Powerhouse that will make a strong impact and the connection you need to separate yourself from the rest. If your Profile Summary reads as a Resume Objection field; delete it now and replace it with an Elevator Pitch.

PRESENTATIONS — Using the method of the pitch will help support your PowerPoint presentation particularly for new clients. You can also incorporate this into your Deck Presentations which are largely used to present your business plan to investors.

So how do you start? There are five components to an Elevator Pitch that must not be missed:

Floor 1- WHO ARE YOU?

Floor 2 — WHAT DO YOU DO?

Floor 3 — HOW DO YOU DO IT?



The Visioning Specialists put together this great infographic that brings it to life:

Still Lost?

No need to sweat it. Follow the guidelines I provided above, and you can email it to me. I’ll evaluate and critique your pitch free of charge! This should get you started and well on your way to the most impressive pitch you’ll ever have!

Monique Ouellete is a Digital and Personal Brand Consultant that catapults your journey into an arena of other Thought Leaders and Customers by examining or identifying your content-tilt in social media, analyzing your current target audience, and rebrands your business to expand or shift your target audience and produce conversions. She delivers guidance to cut through the noise of your competition with a new voice that will make an impact and connection with your current and new customers. Working with a Conversion expert and a Corporate Acquisition Consultant on her team makes this possible for your business to achieve these goals. Monique Ouellete looks forward to the opportunity to present your brand!




Monique Colón
Personal Branding

Digital, Visual, and Personal Brand Consultant. Inspiring others to be a 'Brand New You' through Interactive Clinics, Blogs, and Speaking. IG: obi_empower