gyAstrology, Apr 4, 2024. See with the eyes of a Child

Louise Edington
Cosmic Owl Astrology
7 min readApr 4, 2024


Art:- Through a Child’s Eyes. Libby Smith

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This class is truly life-changing and the next Rx Venus Star Point is at 2˚ Aries and one of the last in Aries.

We are basking under the Venus/Neptune conjunction in Pisces all day until Venus enters Aries early tomorrow to join the Aries Eclipse party.

Meanwhile, the Aquarius Moon forms fixed t-quares to Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, who meet exactly on April 20th for a once in 13/14 year event and the first time in Taurus since 1941, and the Leo Venus Star Point™ that was at 20˚ Leo last August 13th and crossroads guidess asteroid Hekate.

And this is on the very day of my last exact Uranus square pass (I had three passes due to retrogrades and the Leo VSP™ was conjunct my Uranus). I am not who I was a year ago physically, mentally, or…



Louise Edington
Cosmic Owl Astrology

Kick Ass Astrologer and Author. Become a Venus Enchantment member, Buy my Books or schedule a consultation. All Links at