Astrology Astrology Sep 9, 2022. Cosmic Soup

Louise Edington
Cosmic Owl Astrology
2 min readSep 9, 2022


Today is just one big ball of confusion (and I now have the Love and Rockets version of the song in my head) as we approach both the Mercury station Rx at 8˚ Libra 55' AND the Pisces Full Moon at 17˚ Pisces 41'.

Emotions and thoughts are swirling and everything feels like a big morass of chaos, especially if you have planets or angles around the above degrees, and especially of the Cardinal and Mutable signs (Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Pisces).

Pisces energy can be quite depressing and draining OR you may feel floaty and rather lost in space. If you find yourself feeling lost and rather messy emotionally, forgiveness and extreme self-care will help ❤

Remember that we are formed from chaos — chaos isn’t a bad thing even if uncomfortable. You can hear the Chandra and the Sabian symbols for the Full Moon on my Weirdly Magical podcast at but the Chandra symbol for the Mercury station is beautiful ❤

Trust, surrender, and allow today and be kind to each other.

A cook fixing vegetable soup from a myriad of ingredients.
If variety is spice, here we have the ultimate gourmet dish. Inner necessity dictates that you draw eclectically upon the broadest, most fantastic range of…



Louise Edington
Cosmic Owl Astrology

Kick Ass Astrologer and Author. Become a Venus Enchantment member, Buy my Books or schedule a consultation. All Links at