Out of Context Journal Entries (pt 2)

Jessica Seal
Your Daily Vívere
Published in
5 min readMar 15, 2024

Whew! Made it through another whole journal, which means it’s time for part two of this fabulous series where I again expose the inner working of my brain. Enjoy the randomness.

Steve Carell yelling “I don’t know what I’m writing about”
  • Ended the night doing cartwheels in the grass. 10/10.
  • They had PICKLES!
  • Needed lots of horizontal time after that one.
  • Went back to the Bella and had a recap show with [redacted].
  • Got to lay on the floor in my underwear to read without expectations.
  • Was on the Guagua for 2 mins before the alert from peace corps ruined my plans.
  • [Redacted]’s secondhand embarrassment meter was her leg creeping higher on [redacted]’s body.
  • She was basically hand feeding me my whole dinner.
  • #growth. Ew that was cringe.
  • Woke up pretty refreshed considering I had to kick [redacted] back to her side of the bed all night.
  • It’s almost like a good river does the same thing as [redacted] for my soul.
  • We downed two bottles of wine and talked til 2:30am about absolutely everything.
  • Officially got the dulce de mani hookup in town.
  • I’m really out here just casually living in a whole different country.
  • Brunch sponsored by MINERD and my school.
  • Might have cried in the airport bathroom.
  • I think I’ve classically conditioned myself to need an Oreo McFlurry every time I leave the cap.
I mean, how could you resist this??
  • [Redacted] whacked his head into my jaw but somehow still looked adorable afterwards.
  • Fried chicken and tostones? Say less.
  • Ended up at a “costume” party but we were the ones in costumes which was stupid.
  • Accidentally finished an 800 page book in one day again. Correction: more like half a day.
  • [Redacted] is fever boy this weekend.
  • Best part was the snack selection afterwards.
  • Good Moday. Moday? Monday.
  • Team Bully [redacted] might have convinced him to take a few too many fireball shots.
  • Shared a delusional state of mind with [redacted].
  • Walked into the living room this morning and [redacted] said I looked like I was doing a walk of shame.
  • [Redacted] owes me ice cream for making me run across town in the middle of a storm.
  • Caught a guagua that wasn’t actually in service (Louis doesn’t need to know) and got dropped off right at the door.
  • [Redacted] is a party animal and [redacted] and I are just grandmas.
  • Made hand turkeys with my kids cause I didn’t feel like doing my actual job today.
  • Guagua just kept filling up with more of us gringos, I think the Dominicans were confused by all of us.
  • Omg I think those two birds over there just kissed??
  • That meant I was staring at [redacted]’s butt for a while.
  • This random guy ate all of my American snacks from my package! Rude!
  • And that’s a wrap on today’s episode of Love Island, peace corps edition.
You cannot tell me that this does not look like it’s straight out of a reality tv show
  • Beat [redacted]’s mini time for the first time. Thriving.
  • We had TWO avocados to share in the biblioteca today.
  • [Redacted] is here, dengue and all.
  • Obviously we started talking about fae and goblin smut.
  • [Redacted] debated the existence of coffee flavored ice cream.
  • We had a nice group spooning session.
  • The DR: where nothing is ever fully planned, you get into cars with strangers, and somehow everything always works out in the end.
  • Came back home to my sick victorian child.
  • This was my first trip in a caribe tours bus, and wow, this was traveling in luxury. Is this how [redacted] feels every time he goes to site??
  • Of course our driver had to make a pit stop for “te.” What is Dominican tea you might ask? Presidente. It’s beer.
I only want it if it’s bien fria.
  • Spilled the chisme about the Doña Ana doñas.
  • But we just climbed a mountain, rules don’t exist for us.
  • Got out of the shower and found a small child in my apartment.
  • Currently in my Callie Torres era.
  • We need fewer chicken emojis and more aquatic animal emojis and I will not back down.
  • Started off the day having an old guy fall in love with me during anesthesia, so had to spend the next 5 hours by his side, which led to his drugged up proposal.
  • I was parched but my botellon was empty and I literally had ZERO water in my apartment, so naturally I just decided to chug a MINERD chocolate milk.
  • Watched a kid get his extra thumb chopped off.
  • So then I fell into a manhole.
  • Almost started building ikea furniture at 10pm.
  • Fell back asleep to avoid the sensation of my limbs reviving.
  • Attempted to find the parties but the Dominicans actually stopped early on a Sunday night this time??
  • I need sleep and approximately 37 hours of absolute silence.
  • My bruises from getting whipped are nice and colorful today!
  • Got a funny text from [redacted] about the time I shoved a hot dog in my fanny pack hehe.
  • [Redacted] doesn’t understand the appeal of flossing your brain with music.
  • Then we met the mayor of La Vega?
  • Tried to go pick up 8 year old bestie for a pancake date but had a baby and pot of guandules plopped into my lap instead.
  • Brain is so full and so empty at the same time.
  • The fresh puppy out back wouldn’t stop squeaking.
  • [Redacted] just interrupted the regularly scheduled programming to send the heights of Mario characters?
Real talk, which is your favorite character?
  • [Redacted]? No. BIG BOI.

Well, that’s it for this time folks.

In case you missed it, check out part one of my chaotic journal entries here: Out of Context Journal Entries

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