Pride Poem Anthology 2024

Your Daily Vivere Staff
Your Daily Vívere
Published in
4 min readJun 30, 2024
Photo by Marek Studzinski on Unsplash

Pride month is every month, but as we say goodbye to June, and stores/brands go back to pretending LGBTQIA+ people don’t exist for another year, it’s important to reflect on our identities and the symbols we choose to represent us. So why a rainbow flag? Is it 8 or 6 colors? What do they mean and why is there a flag with a triangle? Let’s talk about it.

The original pride flag was commissioned by the first openly queer elected official in the United States, Harvey Milk. This flag, created by artist Gilbert Baker, had 8 colors. Each one with its own meaning:

Pink: sex

Red: life

Orange: healing

Yellow: sunlight

Green: nature

Turquoise: magic/art

Indigo: serenity

Purple: spirit

However, a combination of high demand and the difficulty to dye the hot pink and turquoise stripes, led to the reduction of the colors from eight to six. Then in 2018, as the importance of intersectionality became more apparent, non-binary American artist, Daniel Quasar, designed a new flag. The new design combined the six colors of the old flag with a triangle that incorporated five new colors and meanings: black and brown to represent people of color and light blue, pink, and white to represent trans and gender non-conforming people. The triangle itself points forward representing social progress as well.

All this to say that symbols evolve with people and that meaning is a collaborative effort that we have the responsibility to keep up. So, in honor of pride, inclusion, and diversity, please enjoy our first rainbow poem anthology!


By Anthony J. Núñez Benítez

Rojo coraje pósase en mis venas

Un chirrido agobiante

resalta los contornos

De mi jaqueca

Sigue la rabia


Al atardecer escarlata

Expándese infinita

Como rayos cálidos

Rige su andar

Armando bullicio sórdido

Sobre ásperos carmesíes

Y rugen de respetos

Infrarrojos en su profunda


Ahogándose así

Toda cortesía

Bajo su gélido


An ode to pink

By Madalyn Heinle

She smells like my childhood and looks like my dreams

She feels like nostalgia and encompasses my being

She is a reminder of softness and care

She is a lesson in love and a movement

Through community and beauty she displays herself

She is sneered at and mocked

She is unacceptable and too much

Too loud too wild

Untamed and in need of structure

In need of control

She is controversial

She is just being herself

People hate her

But she is so beautiful

She is more than what they say

She is me and she is you and she is her

She is my mother and my daughter

And she is everyone who feels like her

She is pink


In the photos you scroll through late at night

All of the lights are on

Shining yellow through your old bedroom window

Into the dark blue velvet night

And for a split-second, it seems as if you could walk through the front door

That you always forgot to lock

You could walk into your old house and into your old bedroom,

They’d all welcome you back with open arms

And you could do it all over again, and this time you’d do it right,

Or so you tell the girl in the photos

But blue is a color that makes no apologies,

A color that wears its heart on its sleeve

And all of those photos are just pretty memories

You and I both know that the only road we can take is the one that goes forward


By Estefanía Cervantes Piña

My fathers eyes are green

Like the dark healthy foliage

of an evergreen

In the mountains elevated

Always proud

vibrant he seems

For evergreen

Forever green

Tall as he looks down

From above


at his child

Wild and free

For ever green

Forever green

Rooted in his dark soil

My evergreen

longs to see

His birthplace

But he is stuck in place

By land and sea

Fed by rivers

Don’t you see?

For evergreen

Forever green

So he swallows his woes

And somehow he knows

In life he will give

And in death he will still live

Through memories bestowed

On the land once towed

For evergreen

Forever green

His irises change to gray

When storms come his way

And They shine blue

Reflecting the hue of his pride in you

But steadfast is his love

Because you see

Of green eyes is he

My tree

My Papi

For evergreen

Forever green


By Natalie Eilerman


A color originally to empower

And what has become my soft safe space

My house painted with grace.

My lavender walls yield

A calm feeling found in their fields.

Blooming, learning, growing.

Oh what a hope they are sewing.

So thus, I find comfort in this wall

Through every success and every fall,

I rise and stand tall

Just like the lavender harvest haul.

Oh, how a color can convey such a peace

Bringing me to smile with such ease.

Because feeling comfortable in myself,

That is the true wealth.


By Jarod Karls

Orange heals the queer soul

Out of the darkness, the sun shines

Together, we are seen



Your Daily Vivere Staff
Your Daily Vívere

Peace Corps Volunteers in the Dominican Republic “compartiring” their experiences back home.