Todos somos Fulanos

Your Daily Vívere
Published in
4 min readAug 23, 2023

Peace Corps is a huge commitment — 27 months of your life. I recently came to the realization that it is the biggest commitment I have actually ever made. Longer than any job, lease, and certainly longer than any goddamn relationship that I’ve ever had.

27 months brings a lot of questions. What are you going to do? What will you learn? How are you going to change? And most importantly what the fuck is your sex life going to be like?

Bienvenidos, My name is Sophia and I would like to introduce you to the newest Daily Vivire column, Fulano.

Most of you already know the word Fulano but for those of you who don’t:

Fulano (a): Palabra que se usa para designar a cualquier persona cuyo nombre se desconoce o no interesa precisar.

In English terms, Fulano is just a “what’s his/her face” a “so-and-so”, and we all have one of those in our lives.

In this column, we will not just talk about sex (get your dirty mind out of the gutter) but relationships and everything that comes with them. Long distance relationships, relationships with other volunteers, with Dominicans, strictly Dominican relationships, etc.

But before we get into it, I would like to set some ground rules for this column, even though I have absolutely no control over your personal thoughts. Except ofc for interjecting sex into your brains.

First and foremost, I hope that there will be no judgment about the sexual orientation, actions or desires of others. This column is meant to inform and entertain people about a topic that has a sensitive and spicy edge to it. Everyone’s sexual/relationship desires are strictly their own and I will do my best to speak to these differences open-mindedly (come at me if i’m not!).

Second, alluding to the name, but no one in this column will be directly named (unless someone dgaf). If a volunteer chooses to submit a story, this person will solely be known as Fulano and the material will be read over by said Fulano before posting.

Now let’s get into it, un chin.

I can’t speak for everyone here. But good fucking lord was I scared of being celibate for 2 years.

Before coming here, I received a variety of un-asked for opinions from family and friends on the topic of relationships. Most commonly being “you’re going to find your husband/wife”, most controversial being “just make sure your boyfriend can speak English”, and my favorite being “you should probably have a fuck spree before leaving” (shout out to my girls).

Seriously though, it’s scary. You’re being flung into a different country, with a completely different culture, with a group of people whom you’ve never met. Its fucking terrifying. I hope to ease your mind by saying that everyone is in the same boat, horny.

In the first 10 days of Jesus’ jail, I can honestly tell you the sexual tension was palpable. The mere picking up of a pencil would cause a room full of erections. People want to know: who’s going to fuck who, who’s going to date who, who’s going to marry who. It’s basically like being thrown back into middle school.

By the second day, sex stories were flying out of everyone’s mouth. I learned a plethora of information that made me realize: Hey we are all human here, all with wants and needs, with one of those main needs being sex of course (Maybe Maslow was onto something).

I also learned that everyone here is on a different level. Some people came in with no sexual experience, others a ton. Some people have never been in love, some wear their hearts on their sleeves. Some straight as an arrow, others proudly represent the LBGTQ+ community.

So everyone reading this take a deep breath, fucking wack off if you can, and relax. Wherever you are in your sexual/relationship life is more than fine and normal.

As I continue to write this column, I hope to inform people about the relationship-based cultural differences between Dominican and Americans as well as the inner differences within the American culture itself.

Because, I can confidently say, every culture is different but every culture fucks. And that, mis amores, is pure beauty.

A little about me “Credibility”

My name is Sophia Shearer (24 from Atlanta,GA) and I am currently a CED volunteer serving in Monte Plata. I came in with the February 2023 group and by the time this article will have been posted I will have just completed 6 months.

I’ve always been a pretty open book when it comes to my sex/relationship life so when this idea was presented to me I was pretty pumped.

And while I’ve had no successful relationships, I know what it’s like to be in love and to be hurt by it, and I most definitely know what its like to get fucked. Orientation wise: Historically speaking I am straight but it’s boring if history repeats itself constantly, right? Entiendes?

Thanks for reading,

See you in 2 weeks loves

