Un pájaro se encontró una abeja

Your Daily Vívere
Published in
6 min readOct 9, 2023

First, I would like to thank all of the volunteers who completed my survey. I now have a plethora of information that I am going to use in the coming articles. Entonces, gracias mis amores.


The first word that comes to my mind when I think about relationships is Fuck. And not in the action sense, although that thought usually comes first, but in the Fuck sense.

The sense when you start to like someone, Fuck. When you realize your actions and feelings are now affected by this someone, Fuck. And when you have to end things with said someone, complete and utter Fuck.

But as there are two sides to every coin, there are also two sides to every Fuck (great fucking word). And that’s all a relationship is sometimes, its a Fuck!

By definition a relationship: is the way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected.

(can you tell I like using definitions yet?)

With this in mind, one prominent thing that changes when you join Peace Corps is the way in which you are connected to people and your vibrator.

I assume that most of you here are used to having a variety of people to choose from. But now, that sea is quite small. A cohort (group of volunteers) is most likely around 30–50 people. And currently in country there are 69 volunteers. (I can’t make this shit up)

Entonces, you are basically trying to learn a whole new culture while also trying to get your dick wet with a highschool sized roster. Fuck

If you decide to dive into the local cuisine, that is a whole plate of fucks as well.

The biggest contrast being the language barrier ofc (although hoping something is on average a bit bigger). But, from what Fulanos have told me, Dominicans don’t really do “casual”. So while you might be trying to break a six month dry spell, they are trying to see what will happen in 9 months. Double fuck.

Lets not forget all of the strong souls here that are now in long-distance relationships (i’ve done it before and its not fucking easy).

You are now miles apart and living completely different lives. So cheers to you and your hidden album. Triple fuck.

Now, each type of relationship is going to get its own article.

And look, I know this article isn’t giving everyone the tea that you were probably hoping for, but stick with me. The leg-shaking articles featuring Fulano interviews are coming……and hey, every good climax needs some foreplay ;)

La manera

The main point of this article is to lay a base. And to understand that all, and I mean all, relationships are different. However, we can try to not be shitting assholes to each other. Right? We are all just trying to navigate the world of human touch (some still lost trying to find the clit).

I wanted to share some of the fabulous relationship advice I received from various Fulanos:

“Those that say “I/my partner only speaks (x) love language(s)” is bullshit. You can speak/practice them all. All you need is commitment and a will to try!” — Fulano

“Honesty and being forthcoming is the best policy. If both of you can do that while maintaining respect for one another, you’re ok. “ — Fulano

“Just because you like them and there’s chemistry, does not mean their goals and values align long-term. Don’t think they’ll change, they won’t. Especially not because of you. When someone is angry, it’s not about being right. If one of you raises their voice, the other lowers it. You shouldn’t be yelling at each other, especially not in public. Put your ego aside.” — Fulano

(I am saving the rest for later)

These bits of advice from our peers are simply titillating. And if you’re feeling a bit relationship dizzy, realize that we’ve got an amazing group of people here and out of the DR.

You can always lean on, or fuck, your friends (your choice). We’re all just the horny leading the horny here.

Thank you again Fulanos for your submissions *insert Gavin’s bow here*

My two pesos (and Michelle Obamas):

As touched on by Fulano, I think one of the most important things in any relationship is just to be open and honest (so fucking original)

But seriously, I dont think a lot of people here really know what that means, so here’s some extra word count for you all:

If you’re wanting to fuck around with another volunteer thats fine (as long as both guns are firing). Just simply set the tone for the relationship from the beginning.

If you’re in a long-distance relationship and fucking cheat, you fucked up. There is no taking back that action. But, you can always make the next action a right one.

If you’re in an American-Dominican relationship…I dont fucking know, use hand gestures or something to say what you want??? (I still dont have a very high LPI (language proficiency index).

Relationships do always grow and change, just make sure everyone is on the same fucking page. It’s really not that hard (that’s what she said)

All in all, you can physically want someone, but if the internal goals of the relationship don’t align, maybe it’s just not fucking meant to be. On the other hand, you can emotionally want someone but maybe the relationship is missing that crotch-bearing heat you need. (yes, a need.)

With this, you always gotta respect a person’s decision to include you in their life or not. (this doesn't apply to me, i’m fucking great and I know you all want me).

If telling the truth means not being able to have someone, then you still gotta grow a pair and speak up. Not verbalizing vainas doesn’t make them go away.

Take the torch Michelle..

Michelle Obama once did an interview where she talked about her relationship with Barack. She says that out of their 30 years of marriage that 10 of them were bad. Ten of those years they might have not had the spark that they once did (first time thinking about Barack and Michelle getting it on?Me too) or the humor that once connected them.

However, she has always respected him as a person and how he chooses to live his life.

What I, and Michelle, are trying to say with all of this, is that it’s important to remember that when you become involved with a Fulano they are just a fucking person.

This Fulano (or Fulanos, I don’t judge) is going to have wants and needs and things that they have to do for themselves that just don’t involve you — just as you do too. Fuck.

Lets just try and carry out those actions with respect. Simply fucking treat someone the way you would want to be treated in a relationship. (im really spitting new information here aren't I).

I think we all here have made a billion fucking mistakes. But as we (PC specific) are trying to learn a whole new culture, lets also try and learn to connect to people in a better way.

Its really cant be that fucking hard.

Thanks for reading,

See you soon loves

PS: I just wanted to say that these articles, not all but most, are more or less my personal opinion on things. Also, writing is also super new to me. So, disagree, agree, whatever but, as I touched on in the last article, my main goal is not to offend a group of people or anyone individually. Most everyone reading this has my Whatsapp or # (scary to think about) so just shoot me a text and be honest with me if i’ve said anything that has made you feel a type of way. And I mean ANY type of way ;)

