The Time When You Can’t Get Anything Done.

Hilmi Cahya
Your Daily Vitamins
4 min readMar 30, 2021

Welcome to the moment that makes you fucking miserable.

Photo by Ryan Snaadt on Unsplash

You plan your to-do list the day before. It is long as hell. Then the time goes on. It’s 5 p.m.

You seem to overestimate your capacity. You cant get all tasks done; say from 10 lists, you did 6. Or worse, you can’t get any of those 10 lists done.

You feel discouraged. And curse yourself.

“Why I’m so incompetent?”

Relax, pal. It’s not the end of the world.

Chances are you experiencing this craps:

Multitasking equals pitfall.

Multi-tasking is like having two hands with two dishes to be cooked. You can get it done nicely, but it is hella difficult to keep the good taste as you did just by cooking one dish.

It would be best if you kept your mind focusing on one thing.

“But, Hilmi, look, I have to reply to 5 emails and arrange a presentation due to 12 a.m!. How could I possibly all of those sucky things when I should do it one-by-one? You fool.”

Wow, wow, relax dude. I know, I know, I had the same usual problem with you. I know what it is like to be pushed mentally by a horde of tasks rambling at my to-do lists at once.

Keep in mind. It is very convenient if you mark your to-do list one by one at a time. This means you have to do your task individually.

Yes, maybe there’s someone out there who has the superpower of banishing a pile of tasks at once. But believe me. You don’t. Just keep thinking that someone out there is.

But not you.

Trashy activities.

Are you the one who open Instagram before even working? Are you the one who sends crappy tweets amidst your working hours? Or are you clicking every intruding notification from your team?

Seriously? Are you even working? Get the hell out of here, man!

If I am your boss, those words will slap you in the face.

The problem is usually our working environment won’t have the same understanding about this. Often, you already walk on the right path to work during working hours. Later, your supervisor is calling you. Do you have any courage to reject the call?


That thing sucks. That was the reason why I preferably love to work remotely.

No urgent call. No unrelated job. No errands to run.

I mean, what’s more relieving than that?

Okay, let’s say you are working remotely right now but still have those problems. How come?

The problem might be you.

Yes, you.

You should know how to prioritize things and to make your working environment customized to your favor. It’s time to tell your supervisor and your boss to cope with you. They will most likely understand and give you that distraction-free time.

So please get rid of any possible small distractions that can destroy your focus hardly built.

You are not prepared to work mentally.

Familiar with the Monday scare, do you?

Many employees treat Monday like fighting the final boss. They have these nostalgic drugs that keep them thinking about the park that their family visited last weekend. Or, the holiday to Bali last summer.

This is a sign of you mentally unprepared. It will consume your energy.

When you notice that it is not right to keep thinking about that heyday.

“Back to your sense! O-Brain!”

Your energy is already depleted. You already lack inspiration and motivation to do your pile of tasks. You can take a break, grab some americano. But, you already lose a couple of hours.

Those 5 email replies won’t take more than an hour to reply, logically speaking. Fixing your readiness, however, taking your time away and burdens your mind the whole day.

You didn’t make your to-do lists.

After opening your laptop, you flummoxed. You looked back yesterday that your supervisor wants you to do several things.


You forget!

Seriously, nothing could be worse than that.

Imagine you ask your supervisor for yesterday’s tasks. Chance are, next month you are going back to the life of job seekers.

A company strives to make its process efficient. Time equals productivity. Productivity equals revenue. Revenue equals profit. Repeating the same process only wasting away the time available. Thus, it cuts profit.

And you, a mere employee, dare to steal away that precious resource? That’s not gonna repeat, pal.

Taking a note is a MUST. You don’t want to waste away your time by simply taking a moment to remember the tasks given yesterday.

Okay, so what?

  • Make a record as soon as the tasks are given is crucial.
  • Communicate with your team and supervisor about your comfortable working conditions.
  • You would want to plan tomorrow’s to-do lists the night before.

Comfortable working distraction-free will give you more time to focus on your to-do lists. Planning means setting your brain to focus and get ready to work, even before you actually have to work. Having a planned list will help you to prioritize things you do the next day.



Hilmi Cahya
Your Daily Vitamins

Indonesian Content Creator & Content Writer | Knowledge geeks — long life learning!