An Amazing Week For The YDS Project

Your Data Safe
Your Data Safe
Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2018

We have had a very exciting week in terms of growth.

First was the token airdrop. We allocated 1% of total token supply for airdrop tokens to the public to assist with project awareness and consumer on-boarding. The initial small airdrop has been a huge success bringing on 100’s of new members to the site.

Second was Social Media. Our internet exposure is starting to grow at an exponential rate most noticeably with our Telegram gaining an extra 1000 people in less than 7 days. Twitter gained over 854 new followers and Medium gained over 300 followers to name just a few.

What else?

Over the coming 10 days, we have a number of promotions going live on some of the worlds biggest crowdsale listing sites. This week our promotion with ICO Alert — the worlds biggest platform for trustees ICOs — went live and we are now seeing extra traffic from the sponsored partnership with them.

We have been hard at work establishing partnerships and more importantly advisers to come on board with us. Getting Rick and Vincent on board recently were huge milestones and great additions to the team, but we have more to announce in the shape of an official ICO Expert Adviser and also a Financial Investment Relations Adviser once contracts and the legal disclosures have been completed we will announce these to the Telegram Group.

We are refining some elements of the Whitepaper to enhance our business model for the long term. We feel that protection of investors during the token generation event (TGE) is paramount to a successful project. Our commitment to the project and to the token investors is something that puts us head and shoulders above the rest. We intend to set new standards that other ICO’s will find hard to follow.

This project is gaining huge momentum and credibility in the crypto community and we would like to thank all that have contributed.

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Your Data Safe
Your Data Safe

Your Data Safe (YDS) is a blockchain based Data Management & Rewards Platform.