World Blockchain Roadshow In Amsterdam

Your Data Safe
Your Data Safe
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2018

Your Data Safe are delighted to announce we will be attending the International Decentralized Association Of Cryptocurrency And Blockchain (IDACB) World Blockchain Roadshow in Amsterdam September, 5.

The International Decentralized Association of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain is to work out basic principles of market legal regulation and synchronize law initiatives in Blockchain and Cryptocurrency; to organize community of experts, ideologists and professionals and to protect the market from frauds, scams and unfair practices. The primary objective of the Association is to uplift the Blockchain ecosystem and community and to address the critical skills gap with respect to Blockchain technology.

We are proud to unite the IDACB Members from all over the world who work locally, regionally, and internationally to connect with both global leaders and best practice and to educate, develop and empower the international Blockchain community.

The Day

  • 13:00–13:30 — Registration
  • 13:30–14:00 — Keynote Speeches: Pascal B. Van Knijff (Future of Trust); “ICO’s & Crypto’s a Bubble Proof future?”; Kilian Peter Krings (ICO Advisor); “ICO Market Comparison 2017 & 2018, and the Opportunities and Challenges in the Future”.
  • 14:00–15:00 — WBRShow Pitch Session 1
  • 15:00–15:30 — Coffee-break & Communication
  • 15:30–17:00 — WBRShow Pitch Session 2
  • 17:00–18:00 — Networking

For more details on our private sale, click the following link



Your Data Safe
Your Data Safe

Your Data Safe (YDS) is a blockchain based Data Management & Rewards Platform.