
Toxic Kaly
Your entertainment
Published in
3 min readNov 11, 2020

Did you know life was on a leash?
I couldn’t understand why i couldn’t go my own way.
Did you have to hit me to get your way?
I didn’t know the sting will never leave.
Why is it you yell when i’m right here?
I could hear fine, but it got all jumbled.

Why is it my life is so under estimated? did i ever hurt
you to get this bad? what is my real name? what is the name
of my person? of me? All i know is Kali, …. Kali
*whispered in the wind*… all i know is her.. her elven
looks, like a free being in a wooden area… Kali
*whispered over water* all i know is her… her eyes of
oceanic gaze and lips full of life, kissing all those she
meets to fix her potion into their mouth… Kali
*whispered into my ear* All i know… is her… voice…
the soft etchs of her tongue “clave” against each word with
great gentleness…

What is my name, but words that you speak. Words you
write… love you hold for my being.. my delight…

My blonde hair flows to my waist as i sit on the stair of
my home.. my eyes, though behind glasses, blur the unseen
far reaches of the horizon.. hazel green in colour…. and
my lips, pursed in a slight kiss and half hidding by my
teeth bitting it gently, seem to blow sweet kisses to the
sun as it sets… my bossom heaves a great sigh as the
light goes… but i look up and begin to could the stars
with a gaze, a look, a touch from my eyes… “how i love
thee, stars of night, you bring me joy when the sun shine
is gone and the day turns darkest night”

Poetry, stories, songs, and prose… screen plays are all i
know… charcters, details, loving romantics… these are
writings that never seem to go… Plays of fighting,
stories of death.. songs of crying, and poetry of a
breath.. whispers… voices… hands that touch mine own….

Hold me my dear one, sweetling, lover… wraps your arms
around my waist, bossom and stronger… keep me here so i
may not wander.. for your embrace keeps me alive forever

A voice, a touch, a living hold… do you hold my leash, or
are you only the colt? They’ve got my leash, tied around a
tree, marker, metal bar… so i do not go away, or wander
too far… you, however, have bitten through your leash
many times, why? why go away from those you love.. do you
not have a leash for them as well? will you take mine,
grasp me, pull it, follow me blindly… i am this… and
you are that… one and one is only those who can’t…

My life is lead by a leash of sorts… birth, death, life,
rebirth, living…. our heart is our leash, the one we
obey… is your leash torn and tattered away?

…… A blue leash hangs in the parlor of a home owned by
an elderly couple… it hangs there so they know they are
the boss of their own life… do you have that freedom? is
your leash torn and tattered like mine?



Toxic Kaly
Your entertainment

Mom of 4, gamer, used to be writer, avid movie/tv/anime lover