5 Things I’ve learned from watching Dirty Dancing

Andreia Paralta Carqueija
your Experience matters
3 min readJul 23, 2015

I love Dirty Dancing. And I’ve watched it over and over for the past 20 years or so. I honestly believe it made me a better professional.
These are the 5 things I’ve learned:

Never take a payment if you don’t plan to do the work

Sometimes you can feel overwhelmed with the amount of work you have on your hands (and having lots of work can be nothing but a great sign!) but bear in mind that others are depending on you and the way you organize, so make sure you can take a project forward before compromising or accepting any payment.

Learn to appreciate not only the good things but the bad ones too

Challenges and obstacles are what makes you learn faster — even if that means you’ll need to fail in the first place. Do treat every roadblock as a chance to grow as a professional and don’t let it pull you down.

Never turn your back without clarifying misunderstandings

Misunderstandings can lead to a break in relationships and when it comes to clients, that can also lead to a stain in your reputation. Always make sure that everything you say and do is clear and try to keep a record of all the decisions you’re making along the way.

Never think a client is out of your league

When I started working as a freelancer, I’d look for small companies I could offer my services to. Years on, I got to work for several international brands. If you work hard and believe in yourself, it’ll pay off!

Do appreciate when others help you

Always be kind and thank the ones helping you along the way. Forget hierarchies and believe what they say: never treat anyone badly because in the future that person might be your colleague or worse: your boss! Lead by example and you’ll be praised by everyone around you.

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