Learn from Teaching others

Andreia Paralta Carqueija
your Experience matters
2 min readJul 7, 2015
Workshop on Lean UX Edit. Lisbon

I love teaching.

And I believe I’m a natural — it may be because my mother is a teacher (so it´s in my bones?!) or just because I’m very passionate about this opportunity you are given to learn with other experiences and points of view.

I’ve been teaching since I graduated 9+ years ago.

I can’t be sure of all the subjects I’ve been teaching about: sketching, design theory, photography, photoshop, illustrator, usability, user experience… I can’t be accurate on the number of people that attended my classes and changed my path or my thoughts — sometimes due to the simplest of things.

I do believe that you can only gain so much by teaching others. Almost everyone that comes to my classes has a question for me — they challenge me to think outside my world.

I love that. I may not have the perfect answer — I never thought of that before, you would understand! — but I was challenged to go beyond my safe place, put myself in their shoes, learn from their experiences and along with them, find an answer.

By teaching, not only do you learn with everyone around you but you also get to know yourself better, your timing gets better, you understand what does and doesn’t work and you deliver a better experience next time.

I so much want to continue learning by teaching. I have so many things to share and much more to absorb!

