What If Writing A Novel Was Easier?

Understanding how sequences work helped me finish a head-banging first draft.

Maya Sayvanova
Your First Novel


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Boy, it took me a while to get sequences.

To be fair, the technique is mostly used in filmmaking and I’m a novelist, so I didn’t think I should worry about sequences that much.

But when I got into structuring, I saw their power. It’s not that sequences are something to “worry about”, they just make writing so much easier. It’s the single best thing in my writer’s toolbox for working on a big project like a novel.

So, what is a sequence?

What is a sequence?

Let’s break down a novel to its structural components. You have:

  • Acts
  • Sequences
  • Scenes
  • Chapters

When I was trying to jump from outlining the acts to outlining the scenes, I could feel that there was a step missing. I’d jot down the plot points, but when I’d start crafting scenes, I’d go back and forth and get confused about what I’m doing.

I couldn’t figure out how to get from point A to point B in the story in a way that’s clear for readers, but also doesn’t bore them out of their minds describing every little…



Maya Sayvanova
Your First Novel

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