What Really Matters, Anyway?

Rebecca Victor
Your Joyful Path


You matter. Who you are matters. What you bring to the world matters. No one can ever duplicate you.

Love was the reason you were created. Love is the reason you exist.

You are unique, with a unique combination of skills, interests and experiences that when combined create a one-of-a-kind person that will never be again. This life you live is a one-time life. Even if you reincarnate, this life you are living will never be lived again…ever.

What would you like to do with it? What do you hear when you ask the stillness within yourself that question? What causes your soul to soften and smile, to light up with a joy that radiates from within? What causes your heart to expand as it feels the sweetness of knowing you are walking your path with integrity?

Who is it that you say that you are?

You are more than what you realize. Your life’s journey is to discover what that is and how to live it fully, freely, prosperously and with joy, here and now.

You were intended to be. Don’t forget that. If you do, then allow yourself to be reminded by those who love and believe in you. If the people in your life are not supportive of you, reach out to develop new relationships.

Listen, to the guidance of the still small voice within. It is forever calling you to remember. You matter.

Rebecca Victor and Your Joyful Path, 2012 to the present date. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Rebecca Victor and Your Joyful Path with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

