With A Little Help

Cal Wysocki
Your Leadership. Leveraged
2 min readSep 23, 2018
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

When I think about the REFLECT element though, the spirit is truly a collaborative one even though the practice is often done in isolation. The actual act of reflecting is only useful if you allow it to influence your future actions and frequently that will require a little help from your friends (#Beatles).

Reflecting honestly lets us see our own limitations. It shows us our shortcomings. But we need to search beyond ourselves to address these limitations and shortcomings. This can be in the form of research, reading, and continued learning, but that can still be a slow, solitary process. The quickest way to begin expanding what you are capable of in the classroom is often no farther than right down the hallway in your very own school building.

That’s why your reflections during the TDEC are publicly visible to your teammates. That’s why you have a team for this Challenge in the first place! It’s important for you to get in the habit of sharing your reflections so that you can: a) acquire outside resources to help you, and b) create accountability partners that will make sure you follow through on the changes you want to make. But this is also why you reflect individually first: so you know how to target your requests for help.

So tomorrow, bust out that Beatles playlist, read your teammates’ reflections, and go ask them about something they’re doing great at that you find yourself struggling with. Better yet, notice if one of your teammates is struggling with something that you’re consistently “green” on and go ask them if they need any help in that area.

You won’t just get by with a little help from your friends; you’ll get to places you never thought you could in your classroom with a little help from your friends!

Comment below — give a shout-out to one of your teammates who has helped pushed your practice during TDEC!



Cal Wysocki
Your Leadership. Leveraged

Founder & CEO of Fulcrum Education Solutions. Teacher Nerd. Entrepreneur. Introvert. Podcast and NPR Listener. CrossFitter.