Financial Basics Self-Reflection — The Principles Of Money


Money is a powerful tool for helping myself and others.

I accept the idea that money is highly useful. Many obstacles in life can be easily resolved with money. Although money often comes with its own issues, having money makes life easier in many ways.

While many people choose to downplay the importance of wealth, I choose to be realistic and acknowledge the many benefits of money.

I accept all the money that flows into my life. I am open to receiving the highest levels of abundance. I welcome financial wealth.

I am comfortable with wealth. I am at ease with the idea of being a wealthy person. Having a lot of money feels right to me.

Some people have a negative opinion of wealth. I am the exact opposite. The more money I have, the better I can care for myself and others.

I care about people, and having money makes me more generous and thoughtful. When I have more money than I need, others benefit, too.

Today, I am opening myself up to all the wealth the world has to offer. I remind myself that I become a more helpful person when I have more money than I need. I am using money as a tool to better my life and the lives of others.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Do I have any negative feelings when I think about being rich? If so, why?
  2. What could I do for myself if I had more money? What would I do for others?
  3. How would my life be enhanced if I were wealthy? Am I comfortable with the idea of being wealthy?

“If you want to thrive in today’s economy, you must challenge the status quo and get the financial education necessary to succeed” — Robert Kiyosaki

Updated For

Originally published at

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