Top 10 Tips for College Success

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Success in high school doesn’t always result in success in college. College may be another learning environment, but there are considerable differences. Most of the professors aren’t overly concerned with your success. Instead, you’re expected to take responsibility for your success. Classes also move along much more quickly.

Whether starting college right after high school or going back to school to pursue a degree, these tips will help you.

Use these techniques for tremendous success in college:

  1. Choose your classes and professors wisely. If you’re attending a big university where the faculty is involved in research, the professors aren’t there because of their teaching skills. They’re there because of their ability to secure research grants. Do some research before you choose your schedule.
  2. Attend class regularly. You may not have studied in high school, but you will in college. Therefore, it’s also imperative to attend classes. Professors emphasize the most important information in class. Skipping classes will result in studying the wrong topics. You also might catch a break on your grade if your attendance has been excellent. Ensure that you’re participating, too. Asking one intelligent question daily will ensure you’re making a good impression on the professor.
  3. Make friends and get

