America the Terrorist

Karmina Morgan Garcia
Your Philosophy Class
5 min readMar 23, 2016

The 1950’s is making a comeback with it’s racism and hate in 2016.

White, ignorant, and filthy rich Donald Trump continues to lead in the Presidential Campaign, fueling conservative, racists with an image of his slogan of “ Make America Great Again”. The alarming rate of his supporters continue to grow and puzzle the rest of citizens with mixed emotions of feelings of “W.T.F.” and “Fuck You”.

Another radical, extremist male that captured international attention was Daryush Valizadeh. A misogynistic, blogger who was planning to have anti-women rallies for men on Feb. 6. Also using the alias of Roosh V., he claims to be a self-pronounced seduction guru that leads an international group of male activists. The plan was to lead over 100 rallies in 43 countries for men and supporters of his website, Return of the Kings, in a Pro-Rape against women campaign.

Adding the frosting to this cancerous cake is the event that happened on Feb 25. A columnist of the Daily Wire, Ben Shapiro, gave a hate speech on the campus of Cal State University of L.A. despite of his unwanted presence. Shapiro decided with his bright and white privileged mind to come to one of the most diverse Universities in the nation to claim how diversity is a problem in campuses. He aggressively came to insult students and faculty referring to them as fascist and “Snowflakes”.

The overwhelming torment continued only a few days later on Feb. 27. The Klu Klux Klan decided to lead a march in the streets of Anaheim, near Disneyland, ending in 5 injured and 13 arrested including both KKK members and counter protesters. The historically racist were met by counter protesters who were not going to allow the event to go on.

Continuing Donald Trump’s ignorant campaign, on March 11 the citizens of Chicago have had enough. Protesters marched against the arrival of Donald Trump, leading to a cancellation on Trump’s behalf. Violent broke out between Trump supporters and many Bernie supports. Many who were not protesting in favor of a presidential candidate simply protested against Donald J. Trumps racist and sexism demeanor. People have simply had enough!

Is This Only The Beginning Of A Year Of Hatred, Racism, And Violence?

Why is it that in this modern, advanced decade we are still facing petty and ignorant people that want to oppress us because of the melanin in our skin or the sex organ in our pants?

It seems that we can no longer attend our schools in safety, our theme parks in innocence , our political campaigns in peace or merely being out in public without being victimized?

America focuses too much on terrorism and radicalized extremist from foreign countries, because it’s distracting us to see the real threats: America! We are our own enemy. America has a veil of illusions over our eyes and we fail to see her as our terrorist.

America’s prime foundation was based on the white, religious male that savagely came to America and claimed it as their own. They murdered natives, oppressed women and colored people, and simply did it to reinforce their animalistic dominance. America has continued this terrorized nature on its own citizens in the modern day.

How Do We “Fight Back”?

Perhaps the only way to fight back is to voice our opinions and concerns with the use of our body. People need to break the mold and fight against the discipline we were told to abide by. Foucault often refers to the “docile” body and he emphasizes show we a physically manipulated by everything around us in reflect a “docile” and submissive role. People are taught not to question their surroundings, but it ends here.

You must stand up to any injustices and help support others that work in favor to bring down those injustices in our systems. Together people must unite and confront those problems head on because the people outnumber those in power. Power is man made concept that changes depending on people’s perceptions. When the people realize they have the power to change the world, they will take back the power and use it to fuel their struggles and progress for change. Human civilization is a gradual process, we are not perfect and still have a lot of work to do in our process. As humans, we are going through trials and errors, testing out what works best for us, but we also need to vocalize what errors should be getting rid of.

America needs harsh to realize that people can not be treated like commodities. Those protesters that arose to their feet and physically stood against Trump, Roosh, Shapiro and the KKK took the initiative to be the voice of the majority of the people. They defied their docile bodies and the system that has taught them to submissive. These people went against the oppressive system and ideologies to declare the errors in America. America likes to sugarcoat its realities while pointing fingers of what’s wrong with other foreign countries. It’s time for America to look in the mirror and point its finger at itself. America projects its terrorist attitudes onto others, but enough is enough.

The fact is unless you are a white, well-off, male than you have nothing to fear but the change the majority of people want and need.

google search image: KKK

