From Meaningful Sex to Netflix and Chill

Daniel Nasser
Your Philosophy Class
7 min readMar 10, 2016

The amount of change in the way society behaves towards each other is getting to a point that is simply, absurd.

Netflix and Chill?

Times have definitely changed, and unfortunately it is for the worst. Society (primarily men) focuses on who their next lay is, and how to “smash and dash” without messing up their friends with benefits agreement. Not so long ago, without going on a date, most people would have to pay for sex by looking in the darkest street corners. Three decades ago, men would ask IF they COULD take a young lady on a date, now they simply ask them to “Netflix and Chill?” which as most know, is code for having sex while letting a movie play in the background.

It’s not bad enough that society sees sex as so meaningless but they also see sex as something that just lasts in the moment. Teenagers don’t think about the risks that come with sex. They seem to forget that the original purpose of sex is to procreate. As we all know, it is getting harder and more competitive to find good paying jobs in the country so for a 16 year old to have a baby just because there was nothing else on Netflix is again, absurd. Sex is a matter of being responsible, if you are old and mature enough to have sex, then you must be mature and stable enough to raise a child.


Why is sex now seen as a way to kill time instead of a moment to express heartfelt emotions? Have the standards fallen? Is it “not cool” to getting to know someone before sleeping together? Or has society just accepted that sex is nothing more than a mere act instead of a deeply connected moment? Why do men expect to get laid if they pay for a date? Reflect upon those questions and help me answer the question, why has the view of sex changed so dramatically in the past few decades.

Women have always been put on a pedestal but before they were glamorized as beautiful humans who one could only wish to show her a nice night on the town while being gentlemen with the highest hopes of possibly getting a goodnight kiss. The pedestal is still on the woman except now the spotlight is only on her genitalia. Men (more often than not) brag to their friends about how hard and how long they smashed for and how amazing she was at giving blow jobs. How has sex gone from a very intimate moment between a couple, to a “I’m bored and horny, are you awake” text message at 3 am? Of course I am not saying all men are like this, but that this is how the new generation, generation Z, the now teenagers of society see sex as. Can’t anyone else foresee this as a warning of bigger consequences for our next generation?

Use of Media

When there are such powerful online tools like, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tinder, OkCupid, Hinge, or Hitch, where it is possible to talk to literally anyone who has internet connection, the feeling of truly being connected gets lost. It is a fact that more now meet through the internet than in person. Society is forgetting how to communicate in real life and instead they hide behind a screen being able to say anything that pops into their mind with virtually no consequences.

We have to even worry about issues like catfishing, A concern of this new society is having to worry about if you’re even talking to the person you think you’re talking. Sorry guys but, you’re probably not talking to“Roxy 24, female who is just looking for a good time” you are probably talking to 40 year old Bill. The MTV show Catfish is completely based on this concept. I question what about everything that is not caught on camera? What is going to happen to the innocent girl or guy that wants to meet the person of their dreams and finds out that it is a catfish who only looks to take advantage of them or even do worse?

Catfish: The TV Show

The Talk

There will always be issues like these. People, especially influential naive teenagers who have yet learned how cruel the world can be are most vulnerable. People will continue to meet online and pretend to be someone they aren’t. There will always be people who think sex means nothing more than a simple act. There will be people who don’t mind having sex with 1, 4, or 20 people, either in their entire lives or in one night! At the end of it, it really comes down to the individual and how they have been taught to take care of themselves. I personally think that less families are having the birds and the bees talk because it is something millennials are uncomfortable talking to their kids about. Today in society, kids seem to be infinitely more advanced with technology and literally always have access to answers to any question they might have. Growing up I never had google in the palm of my hand, I would have to ask someone for answers, not search them up in a matter of seconds. I was too paranoid of browser history on the family computer to look up any sex questions up. I personally never received “the talk” from my parents. The fullest extent of our “talk” was advice to always use protection. They simply told me to be careful and to think with my head (instead of any other extremity). Sex is an incredibly confusing part of one’s life but it is also something most people will experience and it will be awkwardly bad and great at the same time. Although no one can explain the feelings involved or the millions of thoughts that rush through your mind when it finally happens, just hope and be grateful if someone was there to teach you how to be safe and responsible.

Bad Influences

This diminishing view of the importance of sex is not just for young teenagers, it is being exposed explosively in media. You cannot listen to any song on the radio today without hearing how much pussy a rapper gets or that money makes a girl do anything. The people have have thousands or even millions of followers on Instagram and twitter are the same people that teach their listeners that it is okay to “toot it and boot it”. This basically proves my initial point that (mostly) men only care about their next lay and how to move on to the next one. Although it is not as common, women do it too. Not too long ago beloved Nickelodeon star Amanda Bynes asked super star rapper Drake to “murder my vagina”, what does that even mean!? Not only is she promoting meaningless sex, but she is adding violence to the mix. Bynes has the power to show her 3.5 million twitter followers whatever is on her mind, may that be a innocent 9 year old girl or an adult man, the same message is conveyed. Is there no limit to the extent of freedom of expression? What about if it has the potential to psychologically harm an innocent mind? I personally don’t see the fascination on going on something so public like twitter and allow for millions of people to read such a disgusting message. Crap like this teaches young ladies to undervalue themselves and to think it is okay to talk about themselves or view themselves as sexual objects to men.

how is this okay?!

Think Before you Act

Again, how is it possibly okay that we live a society like this? We as a country have done tremendous things for its people including giving them liberty, and freedom to do as their hearts desires. I am not saying it is wrong to have casual sex, I am just questioning how things got to where they are now? Everyone has the right to be as promiscuous as they want, but for the sake of society be responsible about it. When your moment comes, think with your head, the one above your shoulders, gentlemen. Ladies, understand that your body is priceless, more than any value society can place on it, you know what to do, when to do it, and with who to do it. If you don’t have questions about sex, then answer questions for those in need. Ladies, learn to respect your bodies. Gentlemen, truly appreciate a woman, don’t see her for her body, appreciate her mind and spirit. It is important to be careful, online and in person. Above all, know and accept the risks and consequences of having sex.

