Just a Cog

Dustin Krogstad
Your Philosophy Class
3 min readFeb 2, 2016

When an engineer designs an engine or some type of machine, they will spend countless hours on each specific part explaining in great detail what its function and purpose is. The design takes into account all discrepancies that may occur and ensures that they are prevented in the worst case scenario. Grooming these designs is part of the detailed manufacturing process in which the gear is perfected and ensured that it meets some safety protocol. And when you finally have a finished product, it is shoved in its intended place for life until it has lived out its usefulness and is then thrown away and replaced with a new part or better design all together.

This manufacturing process is one of the most critical steps in the creation of all machines. If the manufacturing isn’t properly supervised and restrained, the part can have faults which can inhibit the efficiency and life of the overall design.

The middle class working man is the part or cog that I am referring to. Since birth, people are groomed to be docile and follow orders by attending public schools, staying in line and always following orders. If the child disobeys orders, he is then punished and disciplined accordingly. The child learns what the consequences are to his disobedience and decides to stay in line and not disrupt the flow of traffic. The child is then sent home with pages of homework that they must complete and once this is all over, he can finally watch their favorite you-tuber talk for endless hours playing some game.

As time passes on, school turns into 9:00–4:00 work shifts while his favorite you-tuber is replaced with an afternoon nap or a six pack of beer. The workers favorite and worst part of the day becomes going to sleep and having to repeat the whole process all over again. Sorry the purpose of this isn’t to make you depress. (although it’s certainly doing a number on me) It’s to make us more aware of the exhaustion that is placed on us from completing our daily grind and what we turned to at the end of the day. We all have our outlet, others more productive than others. The amount of content available to us to just zone out is extraordinary. Facebook used to be place to interact between colleagues and friends. Now it’s a place populated with animal videos, buzz-feed videos or people inflicting harm to themselves for easy views.

The system that we live in has been training us all our lives to be obedient and disciplined. To some of us, that actually isn’t a bad thing. The few can still reach for their personal goals without much interruption and can live a fulfilling life. However that is just the few and not the majority. Understanding this exhaustion that we are placed with each day and how we are conditioned to be unproductive with our free time is the first step into making better decisions with your time.

Disagree with the system. Find a personal goal or dream. Find something fulfilling in life besides being a professional ‘selfie-taker’. Make a statement on social media to ensure you don’t give up, every little thing helps in its own way. Find a friend that will join you and help push you to complete your personal goals. Throw yourself out there into the world and learn something even it if means getting out of the comfort zone because waiting for the weekend to come isn’t an excuse. The weekend only makes up only 29% of our life, what are you doing with the other 71%?


