Ready, Set, Fire!!!

Alex Rodriguez
Your Philosophy Class
5 min readFeb 3, 2016

Since 1760s, school massacre has been on the rise. Students and teachers alike are losing their life to bullets. Names like Columbine High School, University of Texas, Red Lake Senior High School, Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook Elementary School are always going to be in our mind. Schools are not the only place where massacre happens, public places like shopping center, cinemas, freeways, and daycare centers are also on the target of bullets. Some people claim that guns do not kill and it’s their birth right to own a gun. They argue that for them to be secure they need to have a gun. For us to progress as a leading society in the world, the US Constitution gun act must be eliminated to prevent another Columbine or Sandy Hook name in our mind.

On January 8, 2011, just a week into her third term, Arizona senator Gabrielle Giffords was a victim of an assassination attempt near Tucson at a Safeway supermarket where she was meeting publicly with constituents. She was critically injured by a gunshot wound to the head; a total of thirteen people were injured and six others were killed in the shooting, among them federal judge John Roll and a 9-year-old child, Christina-Taylor Green. The list of people victim to guns is endless. On November 22, 2014 Tamir Rice a juvenile playing with a toy gun at a park in Ohio was shoot. Those shots were made by the people that supposed to protect you as their motto says “to protect and server”. Tamir Rice died on November 23, 2014 at the hospital. On December 14, 2012 at Newtown Connecticut, 26 people were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary. As we remember, one of the most famous shooting was at Columbine High School where twelve students and one teacher die. This list of events is full of innocent blood. The primary weapon was bullets, but those bullets were not fire by themselves; they left the gun barrel with a velocity so fast that they become naked to the human eye. Behind the gun trigger, a mad animal seeking revenge. We can talk about the millions of person that had been wounded or killed by guns, but this action is going to be endless.

The endless list of gun related incidents has many authors. Those authors become famous by the degree of their Crime. For example, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed thirteen person at Columbine. The deadliest attack by a lone gunman in US history was done by Seung-Hui Cho who killed 32 students and faculty and wounded seventeen at Virginia Tech. Adam Lanza, killed 26 people. He first killed his mother at their shared home before taking her guns and driving to the school. Lanza brought four guns with him. He killed 20 first-grade children aged six and seven during the attack at school, along with six adults, including four teachers, the principal, and the school psychologist. Lanza then shot and killed himself as police arrived at the school. By fallowing the name gender, we can determine a patter affiliated with masculinity. We see the most or all main gun massacre were done by males. What is happening that many males are in love with guns? Some males’ feels that weapons are a way to show masculinity, but the price we are paying for this belief is too high.

According with Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish The Birth of the Prison, the penitentiary system was made to introduce fear to the body of the condemned. This fear is the driven force needed for docile bodies. By showing the severity of capital punishment like the lethal injection introduce to Timothy McVeigh after killing 168 people on April 19, 1995, the US government wants to show its power to stop future mass massacre. Many of our Authors, shooters, understand this problem and they end up their life by their own hands. You might think that this is a cowardly act, but it is not. They are sending a great message to the government that up today they had not decode. According with Michel Foucault, a condemned body will never confess, even though the most severe punishment is administrated. So what is this message? Weapons are lethal. Weapons are made for one and only one purpose which is to end a human life. When an author end his own life, there are no punishment administrated. The company that made those guns and bullets do not even receive a fine. When a faulty car is built and a person dies on it, the manufacturing company gets lawsuit. When many people die by guns and bullets, the manufacturing company gets immunity by our government.

There are many questions that we have regarding gun control. On January 2015 president Barack Obama is trying to introduce a new bill to the senate for a better gun control, but this bill will be useless since is not going to eliminate guns from every American home. As it is proven in this article, a mad animal + a gun + many bullets = a massacre. If we, as society, would like massacre to stop happening at our public places, one of the three components of the equation have to be remove.

