The Ones with Super Powers

Bizuri Angeles
Your Philosophy Class
4 min readFeb 3, 2016

When I was younger I used to have a perspective that many other people did towards the stay at home moms or better known as the housewife’s. According to many, women who stay at home live the perfect lives. Why? Because who doesn’t enjoy being at home all day relaxing and enjoying our favorite TV shows. Most of us do. We have this picture that being home all day means doing nothing, being in our comfortable pajamas all day long, so this is how some people still think of the stay at home housewife’s as someone who doesn’t do anything all day long and which she only wakes up late and watches her soap operas all day long. But in reality this is nowhere to be true. These stay at home moms, housewife’s and women have one of the most though jobs not only are they very hardworking and they work for long extended hours their job in the household is a never ending job. These women never get to clock out of their homes they are on duty twenty four hours a day seven days a week. I feel that many women aren’t being appreciated enough for what they do. Sometimes it is the little things that count. For example many overlook that when they arrive home the house is clean there is food to eat some think, “well they have to do it because they are the moms or wife” but in reality what they do for us should be more appreciated. Not only do these women take care of the house necessities they are also our mother, best friend, teacher, doctor, mentor, counselor and many many more infinite roles that a woman plays in order to take care love and be there for their family. Most do not take the time to ask if the women need help. But many women are tired of this everyday never ending labor!

Women are now demanding their partner to provide some relief around the household. In some situations the partners have begun to assist their woman around the house. But unfortunately not all men think or have this perspective of helping around the house. In some men’s point of view they will refuse to help in any house chore because they think that, that is a women’s job. Many men have that view that if they help their partner they will be considered and treated as a “mandilon” also known as henpecked. Some men not all have that machista point of view that they say I cannot do anything in regards to the house chores because that is what women are there for. On the other hand some men are more considerate and in fact do help their wives but might only do it within their house because if their friends or family were to see them they might be made fun of onto the other peoples eyes they would not be seen as machos anymore they would be pointed as a “mandilon”. For example I have witness this in my own family. Unfortunately I have an aunt that does everything for her husband. Not only does she have a job of her own when she comes out of work she still gets home does the cooking, the cleaning, the laundry and many more things that need to be taken care of at home. Unfortunately my uncle has this machista way of thinking that he always wants everything done for him. His excuse is that he has worked all day and that he is tired. My aunt works too but he doesn’t see that because according to him the woman is there to take care of the men and it is her responsibility to do everything in the house because that is the women’s duty. This type of situation frustrates me because I feel some men take advantage of their woman just because of their gender. In most cases I do not blame them much, because they were raised this way. Their mentality towards women is the one their parents taught them. In the era they grew up women were viewed differently. Which might have been true but in their historical era not in this new era we are living. We live in a new society and new historical era it is no longer fair that a women should feel like she is a slave in her own house. It doesn’t hurt anyone if we help with something in the house it can be a simple gesture as helping her take out the trash. Lets make these beautiful women feel accomplished. We have the opportunity to let them know we are grateful for everything they do for us let’s be grateful to them not only when there is a birthday, anniversary, holiday or anniversary coming up. Many of us take these women for granted, we are at fault for that mistake but it is never too late to say thank you.

