Violence and Power

Lars Svensk
Your Philosophy Class
3 min readMar 1, 2016


Ke$ha is money (see, the name even have a dollar sign in it!), therefore she is an object that can be bartered and abused.

This week, pop musical artist Ke$ha was denied in court to break her contract with Sony records. She is forced by law to continue working with the man who she claims raped her. I guess it makes sense if we put it in the prospective on how society works today. Women are suppose to accept the fact that they are the weaker sex, and therefore automatically make less money than men, just by being female, which keeps the man in power.

It seems like since Ke$ha, or at least her public persona, broke feminine rules by singing about being drunk and having sex, and having an overall appearance of being a mess, she also gave permission to be publicly shamed. When she stood up for herself and asked to be released from her contract with her alleged abuser, the court denied her plea for help. She got denied her rights as a human, probably because she has a sexual persona, and the assumption that she probably did something to provoke the situation. This kind of abuse comes from capitalism. Ke$ha as the performer, gained popularity for breaking female rules and made the record company millions of dollars, and therefore have to continue doing so. This has nothing to do with human rights or feelings. It has to do with money and power. The persona of Ke$ha makes money, and therefore must continue, even if that means she gets abused in the process. What is a little abuse compared to millions of dollars, right? She just has to man up so the poor people at Sony don’t go hungry.

This literally seems to me like a circus. An animal is taken out of its natural elements and tames its natural instincts. They’re taught to dance, do tricks, and respond to un-natural commands for the sake of humanity to be amused. Most humans know that the animal is not in its natural habitat and are forced to perform, but the human race pays no mind to the abuse that is right in front of them. The animal abuse will continue, for as long as its human owner is receiving a monetary profit. Money is the key component to continued abuse.

Money gives power and the ability to put others down. As long as money is a priority of life, power will have importance. If power is important, gender differences will continue, and violence will keep it to stay that way.

