Why the “Free Ke$ha” Movement Matters

Sarah Gannon
Your Philosophy Class
4 min readFeb 26, 2016
Gif Courtesy of www.crushable.com (February 23, 2016).

If you haven’t heard the recent news about the #FreeKe$ha movement than it’s time to study up on what’s happening and why this matter is important to the overall movement of feminism. In October 2014, Ke$ha filed a claim in California to void the contract she had signed with producer Dr. Luke. Recently as of this year, Ke$ha was denied a court injunction by a New York Judge in regards of her wanting to be given the legal right to record new records outside her label company (Sony Music) and to have the contract between herself and Dr. Luke annulled in account of him, “sexually, physically, verbally, and emotionally abused Ms. Sebert [her]to the point where Ms. Sebert[she] nearly lost her life”. You need to know what is going on, because this case is important on how the music industry as well as any industry handles abuse (in all forms) towards their employees (especially female ones).

Image Copyrighted of claphamlabour.com (February 23, 2016).

When we think of violence we intend to think of domestic violence. Instantly our minds produced the image of a battered wife being mercilessly beaten day in and day out by her drunk brute husband. But, violence in any form regardless if it is mental, physical, sexual, or emotional is still violence. No matter how you slice and dice it. Psychological damage to a person is almost equally as detrimental as physical damage. In Bell Hooks “Feminism Is For Everybody” she dives into the issue of ending violence and how this issue is at the forefront of the feminism movement, because violence is, “the direct outcome of sexism, that it will not end until sexism ends”. If as a whole society believes hitting women and children is wrong, but doesn’t see it as product of sexism, than she argues that we as a society will never be able to fully end violence against women. She argues that we cannot separate one from another, we can not believe in one and denounce the other, because violence against women stems from sexism and women subordination.

Image Copyrighted of www.imaginingthepast.com (February 23, 2016).

We have all heard about the “Rule Of Thumb” where it has been said that old law permitted a husband to beat their wives with a stick no thicker than a thumb. There has been multiple laws permitting husbands to beat their wives in England during the medieval ages, as well as in the Victorian Era, the Sharia law within the Quran in Islam, in Nigeria, etc. Hook describes in detail the difference between domestic violence and patriarchal violence. Domestic violence becomes a private matter where it is contained within the boundaries of the home. Whereas patriarchal violence pertains outside the home within the structure of society. Patriarchal violence is, “based on the belief that it is acceptable for a more powerful individual to control others through various forms of coercive force”. Dr. Luke has constricted Ke$ha from obtaining higher potential, expanding her reach, and her individual brand. He has taken full control, and full reign over Ke$ha’s music career.

Gif Courtesy of www.tumblr.com (Feb. 25, 2016).

Many female music artists have talked out and tweeted in support of Ke$ha. Lady Gaga spoke recently on behalf of Ke$ha releasing a statement in a screenshot posted on her Instagram urging her fans to stop victim shaming Ke$ha, and explaining, “Why is victim always the ‘liar’? Why do we let people in a position of power get away with behaving inhumanely?” arguing that sexual assault happens to many female artists (including herself) and the reason the women keep quiet is, because they believe people won’t believe them or the abuser threatens their life/loved ones. Lady Gaga seems the biggest and most valid advocate for Ke$ha. Since she has been nominated for an Academy Award for her collaboration with songwriter Diane Warren on the song, “Till It Happens To You” from the feature documentary “The Hunting Ground”, which deals with the issue of campus rape among female college students. It is really important that other female artists band together to stand with Ke$ha and voice their support for her, because it demonstrates to the world that they are a strong tight community that cannot be silenced or ignored.

Gif Courtesy of www.tumblr.com (Feb. 25, 2016).

This isn’t just about female artists breaking away from their contracts and label companies in wake of abuse. It’s about any artists having the right and having a uncomplicated way to break away from any contract or label company that restricts their creativity or dictates it to a point that they cannot express their true selves through their music/lyrics. A artists should never feel trapped in a dead end contract that immobilizes them from moving forward in their music or prevents them to branch out musically into other genres.

Gif Courtesy of www.tumblr.com (Feb. 25, 2016).



Sarah Gannon
Your Philosophy Class

A servant to Lady Gaga and beautiful writings. A Drag Enthusiast and part time TV junky. A woman who lives for fried chicken.