Are You ‘On Purpose?’

Jeff Hittner
Your Project X
Published in
2 min readMay 9, 2018


Any program, job change or business idea can seem better than your current path when you’re comparing your day-to-day with a dream idea or job description on your screen. But you’ll likely find yourself in a similar predicament months later during a difficult week.

Instead, design your decisions around a vision for yourself, who you want to grow into. This starts by leaning into a sense that you were put on this earth for a reason.

Purpose can be intimidating, though.

Can I have a purpose and make money at the same time? What if I can’t or don’t actually have one?

Here’s the good news: Purpose is an aim or practice. It is fundamental to life, not a ‘nice to have’ or ‘only for wealthy or well-educated.’ We all can focus on it — beginning with just a few minutes each morning and evening.

If there is blood running through your veins, you have a purpose.

Here are a few starter questions to figure out if you’re ‘On Purpose:’

  • Do I have a specific definition of success for myself (make sure this isn’t your mom’s or your friend’s who makes $200k a year)?
  • Do I know what my values are?
  • Do I go to sleep most nights with a sense that I lived a meaningful day (not merely a busy day or a day in which my checklist was completed)?

And until you figure out what yours is, use our temporary purpose hack:

  • Everyday do one thing in the service of others
  • Everyday do one thing to explore your curiosities

In addition to these actions, start to examine some specific questions about yourself:

  • Do I know what my gifts are (those things that come naturally to me that I enjoy)?
  • Am I using my gifts to positively impact people’s lives?
  • Do I work with people that acknowledge and share my values?

For most of us, peers and our educational system define success and career in ways that feel counterproductive to living a meaningful life. Examining these concepts is a first step to redirecting your decision-making around the person you want to be, not the what you want to do.



Jeff Hittner
Your Project X

Exploring innovative education, career & startup practices for youth & millennials. Former CSR Leader IBM Consulting. @BardMBA Prof. Founder of Your Project X