Back to school — My return to academia

This story has been shared by PhD student Anjana Karumathil, who talks about her return to school after 15 years of employment in a corporate set-up.

I entered academia after 15 years of work experience across strategy and learning and development in a corporate set up.

I decided to make this move because I strongly believe in the power of the right kind of education. I grew up struggling to find good books and opportunities, and it was my education that helped me find the right kind of job and helped me gain real-world experience.

Today, 15 years later, I’m back to school, this time for good. It’s now time for me to give others what I was fortunate enough to get.

After my PhD, I plan to move into teaching and research. I don’t know if this is a sufficiently interesting story by any means, but that’s what it is! We all have our own struggles, and our experiences shape who we develop into.



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