Laughter is Sexy & Healthy

Marla Renee Stewart
Your Sex Arsenal
Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2020


Deep belly laughs are all you need to attract love

Photo from by Pixabay

When I laugh, it’s known. It’s known down the block, at the end of the hallway, or anywhere where I’m in vocal range. You see, I have a very boisterous laugh. It’s loud. My mouth is always wide open. People tell me that they know that I’m around because of my laugh and they often find it magnetic. Why? Because they can hear the joy that I’m experiencing at the time.

I love to laugh and although my laugh isn’t “cute,” it’s extremely attractive.

So when was the last time you laughed out loud and truly felt joy?

Some of us love to snicker and giggle and laugh a little laugh, and we may even do it to make someone feel good about themselves. Some of us keep our laughter on the inside and say “that was funny,” but aura of joy is not present.

When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried? What did you find funny about it?

I know you’re probably wondering, “where in the hell is she going with this?” and I’m here to tell you that laughter is part of the art of seduction. Not only do people love to make people laugh, we get a great amount of dopamine surges from the laughter which makes us to feel good all over. A comedian’s drug of choice will always be laughter because that can pull them through some of the darkest times…

