CODESS Microsoft: Great opportunity for all 2nd year girls

Priya Garg
Your Tech Intern
Published in
4 min readJan 19, 2020

Codess ’19 was one of the best things that have happened in my life. And I know many more will feel the same way when hearing the name codess. Codess is a 2-day networking event and a recruiting process that happens in Microsoft for 2nd-year girls in B.Tech. This event is a milestone in the lives of coding enthusiasts women in the B tech field. I got my first internship at Microsoft through Codess-2019.

Stages in CODESS:

Stage 1: Codess is open for around 50+colleges all around India. Girls from all these colleges are given a chance to appear for an online coding round which generally happens in February end with 3 coding questions of data structures and algorithm. So all the girls preparing for the upcoming session gear up and give your best to this. It is a one-time opportunity that not only may lead you to have an internship at the prestigious Microsoft but there are a lot of other things that you learn while being there.

Stage 2: After the coding round, the results are announced and a Microsoft sponsored round trip with great accommodation is provided to all the girls invited to either Bangalore or Hyderabad. Generally from every college at most 5 girls are invited to be a part of this great opportunity based on the coding results(highest priority) and other criteria like GPA etc.

This is how you get the invite to CODESS!!!!!!!!!!

So give your best shot at this :)

Experience at CODESS:

When I got the invite, I remember how I jumped with the excitement of visiting Microsoft office in Hyderabad. We left on 27 March 2019 for the event full of energy where there were many other girls invited and we met many of them during the flight.

When we reached our destination Microsoft, we were welcomed with great speeches by many guests of honor and some of the experienced employees of Microsoft who told us all about their journey and guided us all with great knowledge and enthusiasm.

There were many cool activities like different workshops and fun activities followed by great food :P . The following day was the main ideathon day for which teams were formed and we got to meet our mentors and interact with them not just about the hackathon but also about their experience as an employee in microsoft.

The next day…

The day of the IDEATHON. We were all excited about the event that day when we left for the office. Then the event begins and all of us discussed our ideas within ourselves and with our mentors who helped us in the process. Many fun activities were also organized in between to keep us excited and stress-free.

At last, we gave our presentations to the judges and enjoyed our lunch with our mentors and interacted with other participants.

The results of the ideathon were announced and all of us were given goodies and a lot of guidance through the events that happened.

The hackathon is a judging criteria about you and your personality that will help you in your intern-selection process. So be kind and propose ideas. Your intelligence is a waste if you do not speak through it so interact with as many people as you can . This advice is not just for CODESS but an advice for life so brood over it.

That was one of the most exciting events with a lot of knowledge with it and we learned a lot from everyone there and the swags and goodies always excite everyone doesn’t it :D . From that day while leaving, Microsoft became my dream company and I fell in love with the office, with the sweetness and care of the employees.

Thank you so much Microsoft for this great opportunity and for this great initiative :):):)

So don’t take this opportunity lightly as this can be your life-changing opportunity and don’t feel like you can not get this. Just believe and do the most right thing towards this.

“Study hard and smart”

