


An important part of telling your unique story to your clientele is standing firm in who you really are, and from that place of love and passion revealing to them your full heart. More and more, modern businesses are becoming conduits for deep, heartfelt experiences — and your company can do the same. Whether you offer products or services, you can filter your sincere passions into things that can help others.

Think about your business, about what brought you to it in the first place. How can you bring some of that original intensity and warmth to everything you do, even the parts you don’t particularly enjoy? Brainstorm ways you can lighten mundane tasks. Can you collaborate? Play your favorite music? Do the task outside? Maybe you can establish a new schedule or break free of an existing one to see if it suits you and your clientele better.

Every day, find ways to express the love you already have through your work — ways to give others a chance to fully experience your passion.


Although the commercial ramp-up for Valentine’s Day is its most fervent just this week, I think most of us agree that it’s best to share our hearts with each other every day of the year.

With our heads often buried in work, technology and the general overwhelm of life, it’s easy to miss opportunities for quick timeouts to tell people how we really feel about them, to say, “I cherish you in my life.”

We don’t need fancy objects or pricey purchases to let each other know how much we care. Think of ways to transmit your feelings simply. A hand squeeze, a warm embrace, a caring gesture are things we can offer readily.

Remember that silence and inaction are the enemy here, so take a chance and open your heart. You may receive much more back than you expected.


“My heart swings back and forth between the need for routine and the urge to run.”

― Unknown


Tell one single person “I love having you in my life and I appreciate all that you do.”



Kaytlyn Sanders
Your Vibrant Journey: A Journal by Beneficial Studio

Body Positivity Activist | Art Director | Brand . Web . Social | Clearly communicate you. | Seattle