Your Voice Matters — Write With Us!

It’s in your power to raise awareness and make a difference. Support non-profit projects today!

Jennifer Barrios Tettay
Your Voice Matters


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Welcome to Your Voice Matters, a new publication dedicated to raising awareness and supporting charity projects!

Our Mission

We are living in turbulent times! While war rages in Eastern Europe, people suffer from hunger and inadequate medical care, especially in Third World countries.

But even in rich countries, we are confronted with serious problems. Homelessness, drug and alcohol addiction, racism, and social injustice — just to name a few.

For individuals, life can tragically turn into a dead end when they are suddenly faced with illness or disability.

And as if that were not enough, climate change is also knocking quietly, but persistently, on our doors!

So it’s time to set priorities!

Of course, we alone are not capable of saving the world. But if each of us does our part, together we can achieve great things.

Let’s take “Fridays for Future” as an example.
The movement sometimes had to put up with sharp comments and mockery. And yet, it’s hard to deny the results. Climate change has become one of the most discussed issues — not only in the media but also in politics, although the motivation on the part of governments still leaves much to be desired.

But even on a smaller scale, the support of everyone is very valuable.
For example, various non-profit organizations help affected families during difficult times of a disease with mainly financial-organizational matters, such as accommodating parents near a hospital where their child is being treated.

Other organizations regularly advocate for equal rights and humanitarianism. It should not be possible that in the 21st century people are still excluded, disadvantaged, and discriminated against just because of their gender, religion, or origin.

Your Voice Matters is meant to be a place where we raise awareness about the issues of our time.

Would you like to be part of this community and be a writer?

  • T̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶p̶l̶e̶a̶s̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶u̶n̶d̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶p̶o̶s̶t̶
    (currently on hiatus)

Submission Guidelines

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Any kind of article is welcome!

🧙 Fiction
📝 Nonfiction
💕 Personal Stories
🍃 Poetry

In terms of content, the theme should be in line with the vision of Your Voice Matters, as described in this post.

🧑🏾‍🤝‍🧑🏻 Social Issues


🌎 Global Challenges

Climate Change
Environmental Pollution
Child Labor/Trafficking
Wars & Military Conflicts
Human Rights Violation
Extinction Of Species

🩺 Health Awareness


This list serves only as an inspiration. If you have other important topics in mind you would like to write about, they are also welcome!

It’s encouraged that you add a link to a relevant charity/non-profit organization, where the reader can find help and/or support the cause!

Furthermore, the usual applies:

  • The stories must, of course, comply with the rules of Medium.
  • Please include at least one image.
  • Images must be properly credited.

👉 Following the publication is highly encouraged. Every writer profits from mutual engagement. However, it is not a requirement.

Submitted articles will be published within 24 hours, until further notice.

Future Plans

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Besides the open contributions, there will be regular writing prompts based on thematically appropriate awareness days.

Furthermore, writing challenges are planned, which include small prize money, 50% of which will go to a non-profit organization and the other half to the winner. ➡️ More details will be given once the publication is established.

Unfortunately, such an event does not make much sense as long as there are not enough participants.

Hopefully, this answers all questions so far. And otherwise — please ask.
Thank you for your time! 🤍

