Top 10 Habits that Annoy Coworkers

Fellow workers speak out about what irks them

Your Workplace
Your Workplace Magazine
3 min readOct 11, 2016


Creating a progressive, thriving workplace is a massive undertaking richly steeped in reward. It is honourable work for the strong willed leaders of the charge. It is not often that these leaders come up for air, but when this press release crossed our desks, the team at Your Workplace decided to share it to remind you of how far you have come. As we strive to create and improve our workplaces to embrace our changing world, take a quick peek at the work that remains to be done… in another country, anyway.

A recent study surveying 5,224 employees confirms that workers should leave their bad habits at home. Behaviours such as taking your shoes off at work is unacceptable — this is the office not your living room, after all. There are a number of habits that anger managers and employees alike. And whilst it may seem comical, apparently it’s not.

Alan Price, Group Director for Peninsula Business Services, a U.K. employment law consultancy that commissioned this study says, “Before you take hot food to your desk think about how the smell may affect other workers. It can linger, make the air smell stale and may even transfer to coats and garments. It can also be messy so use break-out areas or eat out of the office. Such annoying habits are not to everyone’s taste so make sure that you take this into consideration.”

Price continues his rant: “Employees have just as big a part to play as their employer in ensuring such habits are minimized. Annoying office habits are becoming a serious workplace issue and, with open-plan offices on the increase, it seems more of us have to contend with the bad habits of fellow workers, and the evidence shows that it seems to be making us unhappy.”

But there is another perspective on “irks” or bad habits. What about the employees who heat wonderfully smelling food perhaps influencing workers to run out for a bowl of tasty, nutritious soup rather than skip lunch? What great role models we can be! And if your feet hurt in your shoes, take your shoes off at your desk instead of enduring the pain. It is your workspace after all. It is true, though, that if the picking of your nose is required it should be done in the bathroom, with a hand-washing afterwards.

This survey definitely proves that it is critical to match your beliefs and values with the culture of the organization where you work/want to work.

While the folks in the U.K. may not think that this topic is comical, there are many people out there who believe that a chuckle is warranted. Maybe the Brits need to chill just a little.

The Top 10 Workplace Annoyances

(Ranked in order of highest to lowest annoyance):

  • The smell of hot food causes offence; i.e. curries & fish dishes.
  • Taking your shoes off at your desk.
  • Personal hygiene — not washing hands in the bathroom, clipping toenails or picking noses at desks.
  • Leaving the kitchen facilities in a messy state.
  • When colleagues take your possessions without asking; i.e. mugs and stationary goods.
  • When workers bring crying babies into the office.
  • The quick-fire spread of idle office gossip.
  • Sending unnecessary emails to colleagues.
  • Co-workers skiving and not putting the required effort in.
  • The use of unnecessary, vulgar language.



Your Workplace
Your Workplace Magazine

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