Here’s where you can file a complaint in case your GDPR rights have been violated

Your Data. Your Rights.
Your Data. Your Rights.
3 min readJul 13, 2018

Each EU member state has its own data protection authority. You can reach out to whichever authority you choose with questions and complaints — it doesn’t matter where the company you’re complaining about has its headquarters. Filing a complaint is free of charge for you as a consumer.

Below is a list of all data protection authorities in the EU. If available, links to their complaint forms or contacts are included and some national authorities even offer these links in English as well.

🇦🇹 Austria

Österreichische Datenschutzbehörde (Austrian Data Protection Authority)

Beschwerdeformular (PDF)

🇩🇰 Denmark

Datatilsynet (Danish Data Protection Agency)

Klage til Datatilsynet

🇩🇪 Germany

Die Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit (Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information)

In Deutschland hat jedes Bundesland eine eigenen Landesdatenschutzbehörde, die Beschwerden aufnimmt.

Auf der Webseite von “Deine Daten. Deine Rechte.” findest du eine Liste aller Datenschutzbehörden der Bundesländer mit Links zu den Beschwerdeformularen.

🇵🇱 Poland

Urząd Ochrony Danych Osobowych (Personal Data Protection Office)

Skarga w formie elektronicznej

🇪🇸 Spain

Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (Spanish Data Protection Agency)

Presentación de reclamación

The project “Your Data. Your Rights.” is a know-your-rights initiative by Berlin-based NGO Digitale Gesellschaft e.V. It receives funding from the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection. The website offers an online game, videos, texts and sample letters to learn about your privacy rights and how to use them.



Your Data. Your Rights.
Your Data. Your Rights.

Website with an 🕹️ online game, 📺 videos, 📒 texts and 📝 sample letters on the new EU privacy rules #GDPR. Know your rights and how to use them!