2018, My year in review

Dawn Harper
Unrelated to Bears and Tombstones
3 min readJan 3, 2019

Dear Dawn from one year ago,

This year you will make a few changes, some of which you already know about. You will chop off nearly all your hair and you will throw out more than half of your belongings. These changes will be exactly as good as you currently expect them to be. The constant tidiness of your newly-decluttered home will open you up in new ways. You will read more. You will take up fashion, a bit. You will explore new hobbies. The tidiness will begin to wear off at around six months, and is currently in need of renewal, but you really will become a tidy person, which you would never have guessed to be possible before.

Your much shortened hair will take you a while to get used to, but you eventually love it, once it grows out a touch. It is much easier to manage.

Despite your current effort when it comes to dating, none of the guys that you know are all that interested in you. It will take months before anyone shows you interest You will be asked out by four boys this year. For now, best to keep your mind off of that.

You do finally pass that stupid “Principles of Web Languages” class, by the way. (It isn’t a stupid class, it just has defeated me a few too many times).

Right now you have no way of knowing, but your career will take a sharp turn. You’ll quit your job (which I don’t believe you are yet considering), and spend a month in San Fransisco, nannying for your nephew. It will be a wonderful experience. You will love that family so much due to this, and it will be hard for you to go.

You will move to a new apartment building, which will be a sound choice on your part. You will live (slightly) closer to a good friend of yours, and you will make a lot of new friends!

Then you will re-enter education, which for numerous reasons you have been struggling with. You will finally realize that perhaps you are in the wrong field altogether. This will make you a little sad, as you won’t be in touch with your friends in that field. It will also scare you. You’ll take forever figuring out that you want to study Journalism now, and that you really want to invest in being a blogger. You will take so long, in fact, that you will not be able to get a good school/work schedule balanced out. Wish me luck on that one.

Your new boss will be amazing! He really is invested in making everything run smoothly.

You’ll really like Crimes of Grindelwald, by the way.

You’ll pick up some new hobbies which will finally help you focus in meetings. It turns out you don’t have to play on your phone just to keep your hands busy. You can knit or crochet! Mom will give you some fidget toys for Christmas, too, which are pretty nice.

Here’s the big news, though, and I’ve been saving it for you. A few days before Halloween, you will be invited to a party by some guy you know from church. He’s really nice, and even though you kinda wanted to attend the temple that night, you’ll decide to go to the party instead. At that party, after a few disappointing conversations, where the guy you were talking to inexplicably didn’t ask for your number, one guy will. You will immediately leave the party (he will have asked as he was leaving), and you will await his text. Don’t be deceived by the fact that he takes way too long to text you back (half a week). He really likes you and is trying to work up the nerve to text you. This will be your boyfriend, and he’s amazing. He’s everything you hoped for. He likes your stupid music. He thinks you’re cute in a tshirt and unwashed hair. He listens to your boundaries and treats you like a queen.

I know you’ve spent so long hoping for that (I’ve read your poetry, and actually so has he), and I just want you to know that for now, at least, it works out. Have a great year! Don’t let the stress or disappointment get you down.


You + one year



Dawn Harper
Unrelated to Bears and Tombstones

Dawn is a web developer, content creator, armchair philosopher, and mediocre Mario Kart player.