In Which a Childhood Query is Unexpectedly Answered

Dawn Harper
Unrelated to Bears and Tombstones
1 min readSep 8, 2018
picture by Gellinger of Pixabay

Once upon a time, when I was a kid, I got real freaked out when I realized that I didn’t know if bears were dogs or cats. I knew a lot of other, similar animals were either a dog or a cat: hyenas, lions, tigers, wolves, etc. I was really confused about it, but when I asked someone, they chuckled and said “neither,” so I left it at that.

Until today!! I’ve just learned that all mammalian carnivores are divided into dog-like (caniformia) or cat-like (feliformia).

So, in case you were wondering:

Bears are dogs.



Dawn Harper
Unrelated to Bears and Tombstones

Dawn is a web developer, content creator, armchair philosopher, and mediocre Mario Kart player.