On being a writer

Dawn Harper
Unrelated to Bears and Tombstones
2 min readSep 9, 2018

I’ve been writing for a long time. I’ve always enjoyed it. Yet, when I was picking a career, I never considered writing. The only job I really ever thought of, when it comes to writing was being an author of novels, and the advice I had heard was to never become an author for money. Money is hard to come by in that field. It seemed unwise to go that route.

And yet, I wrote. Since the fifth grade, I’ve had novel writing on the brain. For years it was some dumb fantasy based on a book that I don’t remember, and didn’t even finish reading. Then I changed it up, and finished the first draft of my current novel. My writing hit a “now what” phase, where I knew I should edit my novel, but I didn’t have the time or energy to start such a project. Months passed, and part of me kept searching for a project. Eventually, my brother suggested that I start a blog. I don’t know why he suggested this. I had already tried that. He suggested that I write about the kinds of things I post on Facebook. I didn’t know how I could write a whole blog post about that stuff. My good friend suggested that I could just write until I was done, and not worry about length.


But I tried it.

So I started writing every day, and I didn’t tell anyone. I wanted to get to a respectable amount of posts before I worried what other people thought.

And then, after what seemed like forever, I started sharing this blog with my friends, and I think about blogs. Who even likes blogs? Why do people write blogs? Why am I writing a blog? Do I want to make money with it eventually? Should I care what people think of this blog? What if I stick my foot in my mouth?

After asking these questions, I realized that I want to write for me.

I want to write the stories that please me. If I don’t have anyone reading this, I will still write, and I will write for free, unless someone decides to throw money at me.

That sounds silly to write, since I’m so new to blogging that I couldn’t monetize anyway, but, you know, gotta think ahead.

I also want to write for you guys. I want this to be a place which will be useful, entertaining, and relatable. I want my posts to be shareable, likable, and comment-able. Most of all, I just want to write. I’m really grateful that you all are here to read it.



Dawn Harper
Unrelated to Bears and Tombstones

Dawn is a web developer, content creator, armchair philosopher, and mediocre Mario Kart player.