Rebranding Launched

Your Finance Decentralized (YFD)
3 min readFeb 8, 2021

Here we briefly discuss the launch of our new website and commencement of the rebranding process.

Our Time Is Now

Our new project name and logo have been finalised now for over 2 weeks, and we cannot keep our community waiting any longer. Following the community vote to choose our new logo, we immediately began work on the new website and at the same time submitted the required edits to the various platforms we are listed on — Etherscan, CoinGecko, CMC, etc.

Timing is a crucial factor that must be considered when undertaking a major change such as the rebranding of a project. We had understood that the changes to the various platforms would take a matter of days, and this timeframe would have been favourable. However over 2 weeks have now passed and we cannot keep this on hold. To say our community have been patient would be an understatement. The time has come for this patience to be rewarded!

That is why we have decided to launch our new website later today, and will make many of the changes to our various social media platforms (Twitter, Telegram, Facebook) immediately. The website launch will take place at 20:00 UTC today (Monday 8th February 2021). We will be putting an auto redirect command on our current web address so all traffic is taken to the new website.

All relevant token information can still be found on Etherscan under our old name YfDFI Finance. If in doubt, please make sure you use our token contract address listed below to locate us. This will not change after rebranding.

YFD Token Address: 0x4F4F0Ef7978737ce928BFF395529161b44e27ad9

The same goes for CoinGecko and Coinmarketcap. The moment we receive notice that they have updated our information we will notify the community of the changes.

Background Rebranding Info

In January 2021, the community put forward the idea to change the name of our project to “Your Finance Decentralized” — creating an acronym from our ticker “YFD”. The aim was to move away from the YFI-esque image with which we began back in October. This was voted upon in our community forum, DFI.Community, and received a unanimous ‘yes’ vote. We then moved directly on to the creation of a new logo to go with our new name. Being a 100% community-driven project, the community were asked to ignite their artistic flare and submit designs of their own creation. The top 5 designs were then chosen and once again voted upon. The winning logo did so by a landslide, receiving over 50% of the votes. Notajang, the community member who submitted the winning logo, was awarded 1 YFD and has also since been invited to join the project as an in-house graphic designer.

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