Daily tasks to cut your paperwork in half

Can it really be done? Invoices, quotes, and estimates all done in no time at all?

Adam Austin
1 min readMar 6, 2014


Yes, and we’ve some daily tasks to help you on your way.

Now I know we can hear a groan of “every day?!”, but yes a little bit every day goes a long way — especially when it comes to paperwork. So follow this daily to-do list and you’ll find your paperwork is much easier to-do (sorry for the pun)!

  1. Sit down with a cuppa (coffee or tea, whichever is your poison) and start with your blank notepad. Write down everything that you know needs your attention (invoices, estimates, quotes, phone calls, ordering… everything!).
  2. Sort the paperwork into ‘must do’, ‘can do’, and can wait — this way you’ll definitely know where your attention needs to be.
  3. Sort through anything that you can prepare for in the next few days to get ahead of the game.
  4. Divide up the rest of the day into slots to deal with the tasks so they all get completed.
  5. What are you waiting for? Get started!

