How your quotes could be working harder

Adam Austin
Published in
2 min readApr 16, 2014

You’ve been called in to size up a job, but how do you make sure your quote wins the job?

Often getting the call to give a tradeperson’s quote is the hardest part, but now it’s got to win you the job.

So how do you do this?

Good job for you we’ve got a list of top tips to make your quote work harder:

  • Don’t just list the items in the quote — break them down. Detail each item in a step by step order — this will aid in the visualisation of the work and help the customer understand. Even add short explanations if needs be. Customers will thank you for not treating them like an idiot and it makes the quote easy reading for them, another big bonus point for you!
  • Presentation — Gone are the days where a hand written quote is the norm or really acceptable. Customers appreciate a well presented piece of paperwork, plus it puts them at ease because of it’s professionalism. You can easily create a template in Word to save time, or sign up with us for a 30 day free trial!
  • Time — Speed is your friend. Get your quote finished before your competitors do. It shows an effort and dedication to the job and to your customers too for getting them the quote so quickly, so even if you can’t fit them in straight away to do the work, you’ve already won them over.
  • Brag a little — provide previous customer contact details along with the quote to help show off your confidence and capabilities (seek approval for this beforehand). Include images of previous completed work (before and after’s helps to show off standard of work achievable).
  • Give them a quick phone call a few days after submitting quote to see if the customer has received it and if there are any questions they have. Don’t try to sell on this call just use it as a way to show you are professional and you care.

Stick to these tips and your quotes will soon be working much harder to help you win work!

