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We write about .NET, ElasticSearch, Orleans, engineering practices like TDD, and engineering processes like Shape Up
Note from the editor

We write about .NET, ElasticSearch, Orleans, engineering practices like TDD, and engineering processes like Shape Up

Go to the profile of Leonid Lytvynenko
Go to the profile of Igor Tamashchuk
Go to the profile of Ivan Korneliuk
Ivan Korneliuk
Software developer
Go to the profile of Terpil Jenya
Terpil Jenya
Data Scientist & Front-End dev
Go to the profile of Mark Oliinyk
Go to the profile of Alexey Orap
Alexey Orap
Tech entrepreneur, founder of YouScan.io
Go to the profile of Igor T.
Igor T.
crazy drug-induced microkernel
Go to the profile of Yaroslav Tykhonchuk
Yaroslav Tykhonchuk
Software, people, cycling, mountains, diet, sports, yoga, meditation
Go to the profile of Anastasia Kibets
Anastasia Kibets
Head of Product @YouScan
Go to the profile of Ivan Korneliuk
Ivan Korneliuk
Software developer
Go to the profile of Igor Tamashchuk
Go to the profile of Mark Oliinyk
Go to the profile of Terpil Jenya
Terpil Jenya
Data Scientist & Front-End dev
Go to the profile of Leonid Lytvynenko
Go to the profile of Alexey Orap
Go to the profile of Igor T.
Igor T.
crazy drug-induced microkernel
Go to the profile of Yaroslav Tykhonchuk
Yaroslav Tykhonchuk
Software, people, cycling, mountains, diet, sports, yoga, meditation
Go to the profile of Anastasia Kibets
Anastasia Kibets
Head of Product @YouScan