Defining the mobile vision for Youse insurance in 2020

Bruno Capella
Youse | Design Chapter
9 min readJul 12, 2018

By 2020, Youse will be a world leader in digital insurance experience. Therefore, we have to define right away which mobile experience we will deliver from now on.

A special demand arrived for us in the design chapter: to create an inspiring vision about how our mobile experience in what insurance should look like in 2020, and how our app should be. And for that, we had to answer a few questions: Where do we believe we’ll be in 2020? What kind of experience do we want to deliver to our clients? What will we use and do, in order to get there? And last but not least, how could we prioritize and organize internally to make that experience come true by 2020?

We need to build a long-term vision, which we believe will be the best experience we can deliver, and also an engagement project for everyone inside, in a continuous innovation cycle. But how to start?


In order to get straight to the 2020 vision, we’ve first defined the process that we would apply on this dynamic.

Double Diamond

Discover: First, we open our minds and vision without limits or rules, on the path to deeply explore the benchmarks and trends in Technology, UX, Product and Insurance fields.

Define: Here we are going to filter the ideas into what we should create for the future and what we need to keep in the present scenario, in sync with the Product Leaders, with a We Have and a Must Have lists.

Develop: Now that we’ve already defined our guidelines, it’s time to explore and sketch our ideas, debate, and define the best scenario we could deliver inside a War Room.

Deliver: After it all, our three deliverables were defined as 1) a high fidelity prototype, tested by real users, 2) a manifest, and 3) a promo video of our experience in 2020. It’s important to say that everything should be aligned with the design chapter, where everyone believes this is the best path!

The Elements of User Experience

This Jesse James Garrett diagram is the best way to show how the process will be, during and after the week. We started with the base, aligning Product, Technology, UX, Business and User needs, and then going straight up to the end of the week.

We used both diagrams to ensure visibility of what and how we would do, for each person involved in the project during the week.

Day 1

Departments shared visions & top trending showcases

Defining the mobile vision and the best insurance experience Youse can deliver by 2020 could only be possible if we aligned the vision of Technology, Product, Brand, and Design areas, and considered their points in the creative process. The We Have list is everything that we have (obviously) and we could not put away. The Must Have list, is what we need to do until there.

About Product vision, it’s important to alert you about not receiving something more like a roadmap. We cannot start the mobile vision project if Product gives you what you have to do in each quarter from now. Instead, they need to give you premises and resources from which we can not give up. The same goes for Technology vision, of which we must also understand that it is the basis for delivery of a digital experience.

About the brand, we understand the 2 years history Youse has had in the insurance market in Brazil, how the buyers' consideration was going, the space that Youse have conquered, how people see us etc.

And about the design vision, we’ve made a dynamic before with all the design chapter members, to define our pillars and purpose, answering questions like: Why we (design chapter) exist? What we fight for? What motivates us?

Each leader had 25min to present their vision, but we agreed that it could be made in a smaller time box, with only highlights, and without too many details. After that, we had a one-hour movie session with technology and UX trends.

Day 2 — Movie-session with insurance benchmarks in co-work space.

Day 2


We got ourselves a co-working space for day 2 and beyond because we were 100% sure that if we stayed inside Youse, someone would call us to solve some problem, or a bomb could be dropped anytime, and then we would lose the focus and possibly some members in this battlefield.

We started with coffee and a movie-session about insurance benchmarks to see how and what players are actually doing today, and how others are seeing the future of insurance in the world. It's a good start day, to open our mind to different kind of business models and solutions in the insurance field.

Here's a list of the top 8 video's that helped to drive us:

Day 2 — Members start discussing and sketching new flows

We/Must have & Nice to have

Here we turned back to all the content we've got from the alignment on day 1, and put each one into one post-it. Then, we organized them between Must Have (we and must have lists) and Nice to Have to develop and deliver till' the end of the week (or not — we left a to-do list for later, with features that were not extremely important to put our hands on right now).

Day 2 — individual ideation and presentation.

Individual Ideation, presentation and discussion.

After watching the benchmarking session and filtering the lists into a Must Have for now, it was time for each member idealize and design solutions for our mobile insurance experiences, individually. There was no need to sketch screens here, but only the idea of how the service and experience should be.

Day 2 — Story map and user journey defined.

Define user profiles, story map, user journey, and architecture

Once we've discussed the ideas and defined the experience we wanted to deliver, we needed to create a user journey with clusters for each big task like profile, claims, store etc. After that, we had to create all users profiles that should use our app and what kind of context.

With all of that clearly defined, we were able to make a story map with small tasks (one post-it for each task) and draw the whole user's journeys and architecture with different profiles and contexts.

Day 3 — Go sketch!

Day 3

Go sketch!

We've split our group into pairs, and each pair got a scenario from the journey to explore and sketch in low fidelity, so we were able to have almost every detail sketched in a few hours.

We had 60min to explore.

Day 3 — Paper prototype exploration.

Design team validating the flow

After we finished drawing the whole journey, we've put all of it together to validate the flow and be sure everything was refined and ok to present to our stakeholders in the next day.

Day 4— Presentation for stakeholders.

Day 4

Presentation and alignment with stakeholders

On the 4th day, we invited the main stakeholders to come and visit us, so we could present and discuss the ideas that were scrawled, in order to validate the flows and solutions that we found and believed to be ideal for the future of the company. Doing an alignment like this is a crucial time to sew some open points and get business questions, aligning the expectations and considerations of each area. We always had someone taking notes of everything that was said during the presentation, as there were many important points and good ideas that could be attacked immediately or in the future.

For us, this was a joyful moment as we realized from the feedback that we were on the right track and that they had really liked what they were seeing. It was a super healthy exchange of information and validations of some business rules and technological viabilities.

Day 4 — Frank Abreu and Debora Dias creating a storyboard for the promo video.

Storyboard and manifest

We asked our friends, illustrator Debora Dias and UX designer Frank Abreu (who also has skills in video and image content), to create a storyboard describing our 2020 experience and the vision that we believe, and after that, our agency will be able to make the final version.

In between, we wrote a manifest consolidating all the guidelines we’ve got from the leaders, plus our design vision, describing how our mobile insurance experience will be. This way, more than just be aligned with the whole company, this material can be used as a base for any new initiative and engagement to everyone.

Low fidelity prototype for user tests

We used the new Material Design Theme Editor to make the first digital version to test with users in the next day, after the validation with our stakeholders. This method was great because we were able to split the flow and everyone was updating some sketch and paper prototype into a digital version and making a navigable prototype in Marvel.

Last day

In the last day, we've made user tests and got some nice feedbacks in a feel new features and after that we iterated with users' and stakeholders' considerations. In order to make it easy to evolve our prototype, we decided to create a Realtime Board for the whole new app flow, so we could put all feedbacks and considerations together.

In the board, we could also evolve in phases of execution from paper to a medium/high fidelity prototype and keep all the history, and anyone from our design chapter could see and know in which phases we are.

What about next steps?


When the design sprint was over, we focused on structuring the project, applying the rich visual aspects on the prototypes, and creating a cinematic concept of the project video. We’ve also worked together building this website, this way we could follow up with the project evolution during the next two years. Also, each designer has taken care of a part of the app, building the live prototype to simulate the real 2020 interface.

Part of the visual refinement was to do a Design System workshop, lead by Aurélio Jota, where we cut our screens into atoms and discussed every point that was lacking a design pattern, to ensure a design consistency for the app.

Retrovision from 2020

By this time we will already have a tangible vision of the future of the app. On this phase of the project, we will be able to understand which requirements and dependencies we will have to solve. From the 2020 vision, we will get back to 2019 “Must deliver” features and technologies, and turn this material on the next year detailed roadmap.

For now, that's it! We can't share all the details with you, but we all are excited to do this: to make a difference in society and inside the insurance scenario not only in Brazil but in the whole South America! And why not globally?

