Mining Aura with a video card

Ben Burnett
Published in
3 min readJan 29, 2018

Earlier this week I made a post on how to mine Aura using your CPU. At this point, mining with a CPU will hardly get you anything, and most mining pools have a minimum threshhold for payouts that you may never reach. You can still get some aura with a good graphics card however, but maybe not for long. Here’s how to do it:

Requirements: a decent video card and ability to edit config files and/or use a command line

Step 1: Get an Aura wallet address

You can get a new one at It is a modified version of MyEtherWallet for the Aura network. Read through the intro popups for tips on staying secure, create a new password (and write it down somewhere) and click “Create New Wallet”. Follow the instructions to save your keystore file, and print out a paper wallet as a backup.

After you’ve saved your keystore file and printed your paper backup, select the View Wallet Info tab, select the keystore option, and click Select Wallet File

Find the keystore file you saved earlier, enter your password, and click Unlock.

From here you should be able to see your wallet address that you will use for mining.

Step 2: Select a mining pool

There are several mining pools to choose from at Mining pools allow you to team up with other miners and split the rewards. It’s the only consistent way to mine unless you have a big mining rig. Most pools have directions or examples on their front page, so pay attention to those. Your exact settings may be different than what’s described below.

Step 3: Get some mining software

Since Aura is based on ethereum, it uses the same gpu mining software. The two most popular miners are ethminer and claymore. Download the correct version for your OS.

For the claymore miner, open the download folder that you extracted, and copy start_eth+pasc.bat or one of the other .bat files and rename it tostart_aura.bat . Open this new file with a text editor and replace the last line with

EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool POOL_URL:PORT -ewal AURA_ADDRESS -eworker rig1 -epsw x -allcoins 1 -ttli 80

Make sure to replace the text POOL_URL:PORT with the values from the aura mining pool you choose, and AURA_ADDRESS with the address you created and unlocked earlier.

Save the file and double click to run it. Pay attention to the command window that pops up to see if there are any obvious errors.

Consider checking the Readme.txt for claymore or running ethminer.exe --help and review the full list of options you can use. Getting your miner running smoothly is largely a process of trial and error, experiment with different options.

There are several online resource related to ethereum mining that may help if you’re running into problems.

Step 4: Check your mining pool

After you’ve started your miner and it appears to be running correctly, log on to your mining pool to verify that it’s connected and submitting shares. Most pools have a place to enter your wallet address to monitor this.

Look for what the payout conditions are. Usually you need a mininum amount and wait until the next payout interval to get your confirmed reward. Depending on how good your video card is, this may take a few hours or a few days.

Once you’ve met the minimum payout requirements for your pool, wait for the next payout interval to pass and then check your wallet again at to see your balance.

