YouStock beginnings

dev update 2/13/2018

Ben Burnett
2 min readFeb 14, 2018


Core Services

The Aura core services are almost all live, the last remaining thing is an exchange to buy/sell aura. There will be an announcement about this within the coming week.

White paper

The YouStock white paper is under development. All of the text has been written, and now it’s just a matter of refining until it’s presentable.

YouStock beta

With Aura’s core services wrapping up, I’ve started working on the YouStock platform. It’s going to be built on a MEAN stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, NodeJS). Here’s a sneak preview of what the home page might look like:

The account system is going to be somewhat of a hybrid where users can choose to either host their wallets on our servers and use a normal username and password to access their account like everyone is already used to, or users can BYOW (bring your own wallet) where you remain in control of your private keys. The plan is to support as many wallets as possible: Ledger, Trezor, MetaMask, keystore, mneumonic phrase, etc.

Decentralized Exchange

I’ve spent some time looking into cross chain atomic swaps, a process that would enable trading Aura for Ether (or any other coin) directly without needing to use an exchange. The technology and code is available. The remaining challenge is to create a nice GUI that makes the process seemless for end users.

There are currently two leading projects that I’m aware of, the komodo effort with BarterDEX, and BarterDEX has ZCash <-> bitcoin working (and their related altcoins), and has Ethereum <-> bitcoin working (and their related altcoins). Pretty soon they will both support all types of coins I’m sure.

I’ll be following these developments closely and hope to have Aura <-> Ether atomic swaps ready for YouStock, with more coins added later.

Going forward

I’m going to continue working on the YouStock Platform, white paper, atomic swaps, and minor tweaks to the existing services as needed.

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If you’re a developer and want to contribute to this project in exchange for some aura or some other crypto coin, drop me a line ben [at], or find me at any of the links above

