How to do Trade Mining

Published in
3 min readMay 17, 2021

YouSwap Trade Mining Tutorial

Instructions for Trade Mining

  1. When to start trade mining?
    Trade mining will open from 0:00 to 23:59 every day. If your total trading volume reaches 1U, you can get rewards. Rewards will be automatically consolidated and sent at 23:59 every day.
  2. The daily output of trade mining: 20,000 YOU
  3. Fee rate: .3%
  4. How to calculate trade mining yields?
    Your volume = basic volume + referral volume
    Mining yields = your volume/today’s total volume x today’s total rewards from the pool
  5. What is the basic volume?
    Basic volume applies a graded hashrate model with which the hashrate is graded as per actual trading volume. If your actual trading volume climbs to grade 6, it shall be calculated at the hashrate factor of grade 6, and reset to zero at 24 o’clock every day.
    If you trade 700,000 USDT from 0:00 to 23:59, the corresponding basic volume shall be:
    100,000 x 1 = 100,000 for Grade 1
    (300,000–100,000) x 1.1 = 220,000 for Grade 2
    (500,000–300,000) x 1.2 = 240,000 for Grade 3
    (700,000–500,000) x 1.3 = 260,000 for Grade 4
    So your basic volume totals to:
    100,000 + 220,000 + 240,000 + 260,000 = 820,000
Basic Volume

6. What is the referral volume?
YouSwap has set an innovative two-level inviting hashrate system:
The bonus factor of level 1 inviting hashrate is 15%
The bonus factor of level 2 inviting hashrate is 10%
Meanwhile, the invited friend can also gain the invitee rewards at the bonus factor of 5%.
Referral volume = your level-1 friend’s basic volume x 15% + your level-2 friend’s basic volume x 10% + your basic volume x 5%

How to trade mine on YouSwap?

Follow these steps:

  1. Enter the official website at and connect your wallet. Click “Mining” and select “Trading”
  2. Enter the “Trading” page. You can view “Total Rewards”, “Current Volume”, “Your Volume Rate” and “Pending Rewards”. Click the “Withdraw button, pay the corresponding Gas fee, and get the corresponding mining reward.
  3. Select the corresponding token pair, click “Trading”, and trade in “Swap”, where you can view the APY of the token pair in real-time. Take YOU →USDT as an example, enter the corresponding amount, click the “Swap” button, and pay the corresponding Gas fee to complete a transaction.




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