Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2021


We are always working hard to keep our users updated and keeping ourselves focused on building a better product for our users. After many rounds of discussion with our developers team, we are ready to release our roadmap for 2021.

In Q1, we successfully launched YouSwap on ERC (Ethereum network), introduced our platform token YOU (achieving an oversubscription rate of >2000%), brought liquidity farming pools online, and successfully commenced our invitation mining for our platform — the take up rate was encouraging and we look forward to be updating the community with the numbers shortly.

Start of Q2 — In early Q2, we successfully went live on HECO (Huobi chain) — one step closer to our multi-chain realisation. Also, we are happy to announce that YOU will be live on BSC by end April 2021. A BIG THANKS to our developers team who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure we are on target with our roadmap.

We have also clarified our tokenomics in our white paper. After clearance with our legal team, it will be uploaded on our website as soon as possible.

In Q2, our focus will be mainly on product:

  • listing YOU on more exchanges,
  • increase liquidity pairs on YouSwap,
  • launching IDO/IFO products
  • “one-click” coin listing

By launching YOU on several major public chains, we are able to construct a multi-chain ecological deployment system on our platform. What does this mean for project owners then? By pledging YOU tokens, project owners can complete “one-click” coin listing on YouSwap, with access to IFO technical support, fund-raising, and coin-listing service that launches across all the major public chains (ERC, HECO, BSC). This is a major function and our engineers are working hard to bring this function live in Q2.

One last function in Q2 would be an intelligent mining management system. However this service is still in development, and we can only provide more information once the service is live.

For Q3 and beyond, we are looking at introducing new products. The detailed update and progress will be provided nearer to end of Q2 as developments are still in the works. We hope that the YOU community is as excited as us for what has been achieved in this short period of time. Looking at our growth and hitting our roadmap targets for these 2 months is really amazing.

Thank YOU for being part of the YouSwap journey!

YouSwap Team

About YouSwap

YouSwap is a decentralised exchange that optimises the AMM model, integrating resources for liquidity and swap pricing, increase exchange speed, and innovate the token economy model. YouSwap’s vision is to expand cross-chain functions and build a strong DeFi All-Eco product portfolio through DEX. A decentralised exchange that truly belongs to YOU.

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An All-Eco DeFi decentralised exchange built on multiple public blockchains that truly belongs to you.