Who Are You… Really?

Team Youth Connect
Youth Connect
Published in
5 min readOct 18, 2021

I would like to clear it, this topic doesn’t mean to ask your name, address or personal details. This topic is asking about ‘who you really are?’ And you are a Human. We all are. Same yet different from each other. We all have two eyes, two hands, one nose, one mouth, and two legs but different faces. We have different choices, we have different natures and different personalities. Few traits are inherited by us, few we adapt while growing up. Still, at the end of the day, we are human, made up of flesh and blood. United yet diverse.

My take is this — if you want to argue, then argue for the betterment of society, not to demolish it. Argue to make the world into a better 22nd century, not take it back into the 11th century.

Though we will slowly discuss other personality traits. Today’s topic is — sexuality. Though many people don’t wish to believe that, different sexualities exist. We are not limited to just men and women. A man should always be attracted to a woman is a myth now. And not just now it has always been a myth. LGBTTQ isn’t unnatural anymore. This is very natural and is present not just in human beings but in other animals as well. Observation shows that ‘No species has been found in which homosexual behaviour has not been shown to exist, with the exception of species that never have sex at all, such as sea urchins and aphis. Moreover, a part of the animal kingdom is hermaphroditic, truly bisexual. For them, homosexuality is not an issue.- Wikipedia’

A large number of lower-class animals are hermaphrodites. They are both male and female in a single body and during reproduction they can choose to be whatever they want. After breeding seasons a very common observation in dogs can tell you that during early winter they have intercourse with the same sex. If homosexuality was unnatural then it won’t have been so common in nature. I don’t know why some people claim homosexuality is a psychiatric problem. Our being able to think and work doesn’t make our sexuality a mental illness. A person is born with his sexuality.

Truly speaking, our society has still not come to terms with love marriages. The family thinks they can make a pair and the pair can live together. What are love, affection, and attraction? I doubt these words even exist in a few people’s dictionaries. Many parents don’t understand they cannot make their kids fall in love. Arranged marriages are very common in India, but not all couples are compatible with each other. They stay together because they already have kids. When people still can’t accept inter-caste, inter-religion marriage how can we expect them to accept homosexuality?

People think if a girl is lesbian then she is too bold or she is a bad girl. Gays are made to marry girls to solve their sexual problems. Basically, people are forced to feel attracted to someone they can’t. Between the debates of natural and unnatural, we forget feeling and emotions of a person is natural. Love is natural, you can’t make it happen between two people. According to an interview in the famous Indian TV show ‘Satyameva Jayate’, it was said that when a girl claims to be a lesbian, in many communities they are raped by their cousins or brothers, or possible husbands to make them feel that they are wrong.

If homosexuality was unnatural then it won’t have been so common in nature. I don’t know why some people claim homosexuality is a psychiatric problem.

I don’t really get what type of society we are actually living in. We talk about being modern, following western cultures, talk about newness. But among us, among our youth, we don’t accept homosexuality. A boy who is a bit girlish you call him sweetie or call him girly names. A shy boy is not a boy he is a girl. A boy who plays with dolls is not a boy. A boy shouldn’t put on make-up. A girl shouldn’t play athletic games. A girl shouldn’t keep short hair. A girl shouldn’t wear jeans and a T-shirt. And these prejudices don’t end here — in workplaces too, they carry on. Girls should be teachers, doctors, etc. She can’t be a black-cat commando, army, defense personnel, or civil engineer. A tough girl is mardani. A soft one is weak. A soft boy is a chukka (transgender). A tomboy is a lesbo. And a shy boy is gay.

Why? Who gave you the right to judge? God gave us the power to argue, he didn’t give us the responsibility to judge nature. My take is this — if you want to argue, then argue for the betterment of society, not to demolish it. Argue to make the world into a better 22nd century, not take it back into the 11th century. I don’t see someone being gay, lesbian, or transsexual bothering someone else. Then why are you making fun of something as natural as that? People say homosexuality is the cause of sexual disease transmission. Really? Unprotected sex is the cause of STD spread, and you know it very well.

When a girl claims to be a lesbian, in many communities they are raped by their cousins or brothers, or possible husbands to make them feel that they are wrong.

When you can cheer on John Cena’s muscularity and admire Emma Watson’s beauty why can’t you just accept Justine Bieber’s sexuality? Dislike a person for his works, not for his sexuality or background. Being homosexual is a lot better than being a terrorist or rapist. And a person doesn’t choose his background or sexuality, but his work. We are not an encouraging society at all, we are an egoistic society but we can change it. What is the problem with accepting people? If you can admire the dance of Michael Jackson, Puneet J. Pathak, Hrithik Roshan then why do you call the guys who dance or teaches dance gay? Gays don’t go around wearing tattoos that they are gay. Gays are as much of a man as any other straight person. Despite the common myth people share, gays have the soul of girls inside them, they can even work out, have abs and muscles and look as handsome as any other man. Their body also releases the same amount of testosterone as any other straight man does. Their preference for partners is just different. Similarly, a lesbian doesn’t need to have abs or act like some man. If you can only understand, that what a person does or likes is his own choice and none of our business. A person can be a nerd, geek, tomboy, extrovert, introvert, etc. by birth.

Accept human as a human. Why do you care if the person is gay or transgender or lesbian? For years now people have proved they can reach their deserving places. If we all become the same then our world will be the same as that of amoebas’ with no progress at all. Everyone is different and that is what makes us cool. When you can’t afford to like the person wearing the same outfits as yours how will you survive if everyone starts having similar nature as yours? Let this world be interesting, let people be different, let us accept them as they are. To walk into a better future. For unity in diversity.

